How to adhere carbon fiber side panels

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Jul 18, 2008
I recently purchased carbon fiber side panels and want to adhere them to the frame of my xb12R. I don't want it to look sloppy or cheap. Last night I tried to do it using double sided 3M pieces but there is still a little gap between the CF and the frame and I don't know if the 3M will hold very well. Any suggestions on methods for this?
If you go to an auto body supply store, they will have a 2 part adhesive designed to bond carbon fiber really well. I would give that a try if you really want them to stay on there.
I work at a body shop. Many of the epoxy adhesives may damage the paint on the frame if you ever decide to take the covers off.
If it's the tape itself holding the cover out, you can get it in a different thickness. Maybe not 3M but we use some tape from a company called Crest that is only 0.030" thick.
Tape should hold, no problem, as long as you clean everything up good. Wipe it down with wax&grease remover then rubbing alcohol.
06xb9r, thats why I said if you really want them to stay on there. Plus, once you put them on, why would you take them off?
Heck.. just drill some holes through the frame member right there and use screws... it's not like the frame does double duty as a fuel tank :p

ok... seriously... just for those who don't know sarcasm when they see it.... DON'T follow my advice here!
Yeah they have some epoxys/glues that will hold them on forever, just if you ever wanted to change your look again in the future, you may need to repaint the frame.
If you think you will never want to take them off then it's actually a great idea.
I bought a roll of 3M automotive tape off of eBay. I applied the double-sided tape to the inside of the CF skins in strips and stuck them on. Clean the frame really well and the tape will stick great. You would really have to yank hard to pull my skins off. It's the same tape auto manufacturers use to afix mirrors, bumpers and ground effects.

I know guys that used glues and epoxies and it just made a mess, oozing and dripping down on their engines. Don't use RTV - It's corrosive to some metals.
by the same token.. I would submit that the very thing you're looking at gluing onto the frame needs to be adhered in such a manner (strong enough) that it doesn't just POP loose if you lay the bike down. Otherwise it won't serve the very purpose that it's intended for. (That is unless of course you are putting CF one's on strictly for cosmetic purposes.

Given the wear/abrasion properties of CF materials, I would also strongly encourage you to place them on TOP of the plastic/urethane frame pucks. You can even go to the extent of gluing the CF one's directly TO those factory pucks. This will help you out in 2 ways:
1. you can glue them on with whatever you want and not have to worry about getting "GOO" off your frame should you decide to remove/replace them.
2. you get double the protection for your frame and even if the CF pucks do "POP" loose in a fall, you still have the urethane pucks underneath to protect the frame.
I adhered the panels last night and they look awesome:D I'll post pics soon. Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

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