How to negotitate for an XB9/XB12

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Feb 27, 2013
This is for the people who have never or find negotiating awkward... I used to be one of these people until a friend of mine really opened my mind to what is a solid barter.

FYI I paid asking price for my bike 2007 XB9R (3800 miles) Never downed with Jardine pipe/cover/rear stand. $3000 ... That's a no brainer. If you offer a person less during a no brainer... people get a bit pissy. Usually because they are already taking a loss or breaking even to move on. Keep this in mind when making offers.

This should be a sticky on how to negotiate... I've literally went to look at cars/bikes/firearms listed for $5000-$6000 and walked away with title in hand for $2900-3900

Only once did it take 3 days... and the guy called me and said "Hey man I been thinking and I'd like to accept your offer of $3700"

My reply was "Man I wish you had called me 2 days ago... I can only afford $3500 today, I'm sorry I had some repairs to take care of" (No bs... I only had $3500 left for my project)

His reply "That's fine come get the car" (Which his original price was $5000 but too me the car screamed "I'm worth $3500-$3800... Clean me, Paint me, tune me, mod me slightly and give me good rubber and now I'll be worth a solid $5500-6500 but only cost you $4500 total"

This was written to help a fellow bueller on a purchase where seller was asking $3900 for a 2007 Red XB9R all stock, very clean! 14K Miles and the buyer was thinking it was out of his $3000 price range.

That bike looks good but I know myself and other fellow Buellers wouldn't pay $3900 for one with 14K Miles. That's what a dealer would ask for that bike $3995...if it was mine with 6200 dealer would ask $4995. If I was interested in that bike, I would goto see it... Bring $3200 and a friend. Look real good at it, ride it if he will let you or ride bitch with him. If everything looks good, sounds good make him an offer.

Say "Well the bike looks good, but right now my concern is the price (DON'T STOP TALKING) Exactly how much are you looking to get out of this?"

Usually most people repeat their sale ad and say "I have it listed for $3900" and occasionally add "I'm pretty firm" or "Make me an offer"

Sometimes people say "As much as I can get" <<<< Those people either want extremely close to asking price or the opposite they want cash in hand today and are hoping somebody offers them $2900-3500 sooner than later.

No matter what they say... Just throw it out there without hesitation "I'm prepared to offer you $3000 Cash money today as long as you have a clear title in hand"

Don't say 2900 or twenty nine nada nonya... You'll kill the deal and have to back peddle.

Now that persons response is going to tell you if they are really willing to deal... or they never even considered taking less than say $3800.

Now this works both ways... not everyone who acts shocked during an offer really means it... They are feeling you out to see how much your willing to come closer to their asking price.

Example: I offer you $3000(I engage my silent mode)... You say Aw man there is no way I could sell it for that c'mon...... and I stare at you.....I'm waiting for you to say "I can do $3600-or whatever" But if they say nothing in 10 seconds... I look at the item and say "What are you willing to take today"

Hopefully they are reasonable and say "$3500"... If they do... Don't agree to nothing... Don't say how much you like the bike... Go inspect it again... check everything again...

They are watching... hoping you say "Ok"... but your not... Your going to make another offer.

Say "I don't see or hear anything major on the bike... but that's a tad more than I'm willing to go... Meet me in the middle somewhere... $3200 cash money in the hand...dollar bills that even smell proud.

Most reasonable people will agree... or asking for a tiny bit more like $3250... This isn't about $50 this is about who wins and who loses and that's up to you.

I will negotiate and make offers slowly on items worth thousands of dollars... when it starts getting to $50-$100 difference this is a pissing contest and can go either way. If I have to have it... I'll let them win and I usually say

"Ok $3250... but only because I love the bike but if I don't... I make my hard final offer and leave it open with a phone number.

I have had people call me 5 mins later up to 3 days later. Once it hits 48hrs I usually move on and figure they are not calling.

I hope this helps you guys wheel and deal... a little better. 99% of people will take a certain amount less for things they need/want to sell... The other 1% won't make a purchase unless it's a no brainer and won't f-ing budge on their prices even when the buyer knows a lot more about the item they are selling.

Avoid those people... they irritate me lol.

If this comes in handy please leave me some Rep points. I'm going to do some other write ups and videos for you guys. Ride safe!
Nice write-up! I like to handle all my Craigslist adventures this way! Plus 1 for you! [up]
therealou you know what's funny is people normally think when 2 guys like us run into eachother to make a deal... it's like 2 champion boxers fighting again for the title. Of course that does happen 1 outa 10 times but I mostly see with a skilled trader is very prompt speedy transactions with faster negotiation and ending up with a deal and a long conversation about all kinds of crap lol.

I once bartered with a guy in a text message and he literally called me out.

"I can see where this is going... I'm skipping the middle $1000 cash money today."

Now that was for an item I listed for $1900 but was really worth $2500-$3000

2 Text's later we settled on $1500 but he's coming to pick it up. lol
There's definitely a lot less negotiating going on, we just get straight to point and make the deal. Exactly how I wish every transaction would go lol.
So anyway I'm negotiating with this guy over a 2002 Impala V6 Police Clone

I had it listed for $1800 very nice car I bought at Gov auction with the intent of parting out. To make a long story short this guy hits me up and within 2 sentences offers me $1000 cash today.

I said no way, this isn't a $1000 car... Kelly Blue Book puts this car with mileage at $2800-3600

So he asks for more pictures... So I send them and start filming a video with my GoPro.

We end up settling on $1500... But he want me to bring the car to Tampa 41 miles away...

I'm like lemme see what I can do (That means no lol) So anyway I tell him later that I can't bring it to him but I'll fill the tank with gas if he comes here. He say's lemme think about it...

So I send him the link to the video.

It's of the car...inside and out...Working police cam system/brush guard beautiful interior. video while running and had it hooked up to my engine management software and showed him all the sensors you never see...

Like Engine load with A/C on at idle 3.52% load <<<That's beast!!
Long Mileage as seen by ECU 28.1 MPG << I know I drive like an old man lol
Intake Temp
Engine Oil Temp
Transmission Temp
Alternator Volt
Ignition Volt
Timing advance
F-ing AFR Air to Fuel Ratio 14.7:1

So he gets video... waits 24 hours and comes back at me with... $1000 Cash... I'm like LMAO

like dude... I just proved everything I said about the car being mechanically sound. I knew if I brought the car too you... you were going to do this upon arrival. You haven't even driven the car lmao or seen it up close lol.

So he's all complaining about this 1"x1" dent in the trunk lid and a broken plastic speaker cover in rear where some idiot set his travel bag on... I'm like WTF? The car is 11 years old that's not a $500 complaint

This guy is a mule... He's good at buying low but what makes it hard is he knows like NOTHING about cars!
I only deliver if you paypal me a significant non refundable deposit. then and only then do i deliver. You get all kinds of people, some i figure out are a waste of time, some people it pays to work with and takes a while but it pays off.
Some old guys who think they are sharp, wont give you a real description. "Sharp as a whistle, really clean, sweet runner",, Really? How about mileage, rust, tire percentages, etc etc and you just get these vague descriptions..
Craigslist flakes, dont get me started, When i see something i want, i call, make an appointment and show up with cash, works most of the time as too many other people dick around then want to trade for it with a load of firewood and a Ford Escort or Fiesta that only needs a "Little Work".
You really want to see the weirdos,, go look in the "Barter" section of Craigslist. Sometimes I cant help myself, and email some of these people.. "Are you out of your freaking mind?"
He is exactly right...In December, I picked up my 06 Buell XB12R with a tad over 8000 for $3200. He was asking $4500. It is in pristine condition. I showed up, looked the bike over, took it for a short ride, and came back and told him I had $3000. Shut up for a min he hummed and hawed saying how he couldn't go that low. I let him do his thing and then I asked him how much cash in hand today. I was expecting him to come back with at the least $3800. He said "I don't know $3000 is too low the best I could do would be $3200." Really $200 Put my hand in his and said deal!
I haggle over everything, Sometimes as noted,, its a "no Brainer" and such a good deal i dont try to haggle, but in general, I haggle about everything. When in the store,, and its near the end of the day and the food in the Deli case,,,Ill ask for "End of the day special" why not? usually they throw it out, Often i get it half price.
Or at garage sales,,,,, Package deals, this whole pile of stuff, lets round it off,. or Car or Motorcycle swap meets.
Some people start high and expect to haggle down, Some just stick to their prices. Depends on how bad i want it, and my view of the person,, are they insane to begin with? Not worth the effort,, but i do tend to haggle on everything.
My wife is usually horribly embarrassed, Hates it when i do it. I lived overseas in the Military, and middle east, Europe, Asia,,,,, its expected, They consider you stupid if you dont haggle, Some countrys,,,its like you are trying to take away their children or house or something. When haggling, people scream, cry, knash their teeth,, but when its over, its all smiles, handshakes and you are best friends again. Ive seen Americans get totally freaked out by this, but its just the everyday way of life for these people, and like i said, they think you are stupid if you dont play the game,

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