yeah anyway i went to work two hours early to work on it like add fasteners lube stuff, i dropped 350.00 on parts and motorcycle gear. i got thor jerseys and pants plus a helmet and oakley o frames. plus new bodywork because i'm thinking of sharpie arting it. also i got fork seals and all the washers i need( the forks are pissing) any way long story short i didn't have enough time to throw on a new front tire. i took it to the track and i was told i'm doing well for a newb, i'm clearing a few jumps my novice class co worker isn't. (at least i was after i figured out the powerband and how to not shift down when coming off jumps.) Torwards the end of the day i was finishing up a lap and cleared a jump but when i downshifted to take the corner, i was applying a little front brake to get a good entrance speed and my front tire washed out. i broke a clutch lever, scraped myself pretty good and i thought i bent the **** out of the bikes high atv renthals,
anyway i'm changing the tire tomorrow morning.. wish i would've seen sidewinder's post.
i'd say it was a hell of a great first ride!