I need a little direction...Attempting to make a fiberglass air box cover!

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Jun 6, 2012
Ok, I am bored of the stock air box cover. I was going to buy one, but I didn't want to be just like everyone else. So I decided I want build my own.

My plan is to use my stock cover as a base to build on and form a scoop or induction of some sort right over the top of the plastic oem air box. I would do the body work and possibly even prime and paint the part to have a good plug to make a mold of it. I figure making a mold and then laying up the glass inside the mold would give me satisfying results. I have been watching Youtube videos by GasserGlass. This will be my first time glassing and probably not cost effective initially, but I just wanna be different and I always like to learn new fabrication. I've always worked with metal so Fiberglass is new to me. Any direction, suggestions would be very helpful? Methods that have worked well for you? I am open to all advice...and I already know cost of materials is higher than just buying one. Mostly I just want to see if I can do it.
Melvster, I have worked with fiberglass once, but long ago. I built myself a kayak from a mold I took of a different one. It holds well and works like a new one. The one thing I do notice is the weight of the copy. It is much heavier (maybe up to three times as heavy), but in all likelihood, it is probably just my overuse of the fiberglass material for the sake of making sure that thing did not sink on me while in use. Definitely invest in a good breather mask and plenty of tarp to lay down in case of any resin spilling (which will occur). From what I remember, the mold was fairly rough, but this was more of a school type project, so it did not have to be perfect. If it is flawless results you are looking for, you may want to take the time to practice setting up the glass material for making the mold as it is difficult to manipulate when wet and without some idea as to how you want to cut/tailor it to fit, keeping in mind of the curves, bends, corners. After all of that, I would say the most important part, like with any project, is to have fun and remember that you are your biggest critic. Best of luck to you and way to be creative! [up]



Tried it once, here's what I learned.....

Fiberglass SUCKS tonworknwith.n
DON'T have hard bends on the scoops like I did. Make them all flat front.
Use resin JELLY not liquid. It holds so much better and spreads like peanut butter
Silicone spray is a good release agent
It helped to cut the glass into thin strips to get around tight bends but looks terrible
Bonds body filler isn't the best way to smooth out a rough service of the cured fiberglass
A couple of things I have learned. 1) fabricate/design the part you want to copy 2) use pure carnuba wax to wax the surface 3) spray it with PVA (a lifting agent) 4) brush (preferably spray on a gelcoat) and let it start to cure 5) lay down resin and mat a few plys thick....now you have your mold. To make your part you basically follow that same exact order in your mold to get a nice finished copy of the part you intended on making.

I will probably start with something small and get comfortable with the process and then go for it. Am I on track with this method? It is from a series of instructional videos on youtube from a guy that's been glassing for 30+ yrs.
Make the mold of the outside of the air box cover. So the mold will be a perfect negative to lay up the glass inside of it and keep the proper dimensions. If I mess up...I'll just chalk it up to learning experience. Lol
interested in seeing what you come up with. I may have something in the works myself.
I'll probably create a new post with my progress. First I need to come up with a design. Coming up with something different is the hardest part.
Hope to see a new custom box on your Jake! I should have a buell next week, we go ride.......