I'm going to take it apart. Valve train noise.

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Well my 04 XB12 is going to come apart at 3000 miles.
I know these things make noise but I shouldn't be able to hear the valve train over my Jardine.

The front cylinder taps like hell and chatters pretty damn loud at speed.

Thinking it may have a collapsed or stuck lifter or a bent pushrod or bad cam bushing. It was noisy when I purchased it but I just can't stand listening to it anymore and am afraid its going to bust or wear out more parts if I don't pull it apart now.

Going to rotate the engine and dig into it soon.

Any recomendations on lifters/tappets brands to replace them with?
Video of the noise? I can hear my valve train over my jardine GP1, althought only at idle. Once revving you only hear exhaust.
Yeah, I hear valvetrain noise at idle, low revs over my Jardine RT1 all the time. I'm not terribly concerned. Only more noticeable now that I repacked with better packing.
Round 5g the noise turns into a nasty chatter wich there is no problem hearing over the exhaust.

I will try to get some video this weekend.

I was sort of ignoring it till I took it to get it inspected at the local non-dealer Harley shop and one of the mechanics walked out the door while it was running to see what engine was running with a collapsed lifter. He could hear it in the shop.
He said he has heard some noisy arse Sportster engines but something is not right in that engine.
They all know I do my own work so its not like he would be saying that to get some work.
Ah that makes some sense then, if the noise gets worse/louder as revs increase. Sucks for a low mileage engine. PO run it without fluids or use wrong (sheered) oil? eek
Crack open a cooler line, check for good flow, ASAP or right now before running it further.. then cut your filter open..puncture it & use tin snips, (no hacksaw).. see whats hiding between the pleats, it's the best 6$ diagnosis you could perform.. if all looks good you have a benign, relatively low-cost resolvable issue.. filings in filter, park it and start looking for parts.
Tig welded it and rode it yesterday now its back to just sounding like a broken sewing machine :)

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