Injector cleaner???

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2009
What everyone using for "ic"??? I swear in the original owners book it said not to use any cuz.... Is it they were worried about u2 sensor damage??? Anywho, is Lucas fuel treatment ok??? Thx in advance
As long as you follow the directions on the Container the [SeaFoam] is a great Fluid to clean out the Fuell Injectors.
Remember the Tank in OR on the Xb models of bikes is Approx.,3.8 gallons so don't put a whole bottle of the injector cleaner in just what is needed.
Premium fuel is best for these Fuell Injected Engines, I know that is hard to Afford nowdays but consider what it costs in the longer miles ahead. Add the SeaFoam Cleaner to a Full tank of fuell only and the proper amount or your money is wasted.Walmart is the Less Expensive of where to buy the cleaner usally about 8/9bucks a bottle, so good luck. *Jimi
Cool.. Thx guys.

Ps.(note to new guys) Had my xb since new 04 and have always ran premium. Usually between 91-93 up here in Minnesota. Except once in the middle of nowhere South Dakota, after about 3 or 4 tanks of 86 (one place had 83 oct) she started running like ****. Well thx again.


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