Instrument panel

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2010
Looking for part Y0501.3AK (Instrument panel for Ulysses) - does anyone know where I can get one? Thanks!

P.S. Also, does anyone know if this panel is interchangeable with other Buell models, or it's specific to Ulysses?

P.P.S. The reason I need a new panel is that mine is cracked, both the clear part and the black housing. Can anyone suggest a good way to seal it while I am looking for a new one?
Just curious - could anyone please suggest some kind of plastic sealer to seal the black cluster housing? Thanks!
guages should be interchangeable, just switch out the faceplate if you want your original graphics instead of what comes with the one you buy
Thanks, so the one from Lightening will fit? I am concerned that maybe the speedo will be off due to difference in gearing. What other models (to the best of your knowledge) would use a similar instrument cluster?