is there a Crankcase Breather Mod with pictures?

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May 8, 2017
Hi there,

I've been looking around in the Do-It-Yourself Buell Mods Forum for a thread on how to do the Crankcase Breather Mod.

I've found the How-To: Crank case breather mod, but for some reason the pics will not load. Nor on a iPhone, a mac or windows machine.

Is there a thread active with clear pictures on how to do the mod?

Thanks in advance!
see attached pics. see the one with all the garbage hanging off the end of the breather re-route hose? all nonsense. unless your XB has internal combustion sealing problems don't get caught up in the "catch-can....drain fitting....filter" nonsense.
few notes of caution:
1-you'll need several feet of 3/8th ID suitable hose. you'll also need a 3/8th OD "T" fitting. that fitting can be challenging to source. i have plenty of them along with hose in stock if you get stuck
2-when removing your airbox base plate USE CAUTION!!! it's attached by 4 #27 torx which were attached at the factory with red loctite. do NOT strip out the torx head. many have and if you do it's a real bitch getting the screw out.
3-be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that each rocker box breather fitting is correctly and securely pushed back into its grommet before buttoning up the airbox assembly. if NOT you'll have horrible oil leaks and froth all over top of motor. route your new hose down by and past the upper shock mount and attach in same fashion as the factory breather hose is attached. simple wire tie suffices.
4-be tender when dealing with both the plug on the IAT sensor located on the airbox base plate as well as the rocker box cover grommets mentioned in #3. if you're ham fisted in this vicinity you're really going to regret it. 12618_20130224170410_L.jpg46508.jpgCIMG4931.jpg
4-small breather on end of your new re-route hose is optional but i always install one as matter of practice.
5. LASTLY AND THIS IS IMPORTANT: you'll be removing the factory hoses from airbox base plate which leaves 2 large holes in same. block them off. i use simple automotive black plastic chassis plugs which are available at any automotive parts joint. using 3M plastic adhesive or something similar GLUE THEM ON THE BOTTOM OF THE BASE PLATE....NOT THE TOP where the air filter sits. you MUST block off those holes.
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