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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2011
Well, I am pushing the 1,100 post mark....and I am still Buell-less.

Life keeps getting in the way, and I still haven't been able to free up enough cash to make it happen.

So...I just opened a separate bank account, and I am putting a portion of each check from my jobs into it each pay day to slowly work my way to being able to pull the trigger. I can find them around here for 3k, and that's what I plan to do. As much as I would like a newer model, beggars can't be choosers, and I just want to be able to have one to call my own and make my own.

I've got a whopping $250 bucks in there to start.

Here is to the journey to (FINALLY) buying a Buell.
Yeah. It might take me awhile, but the way I have been doing it hasn't been working.

It has been far too long already, so I needed to take measures to make sure it happens!
just get yourself a loan for my bike. I'll sell my stock 1125r for 5k with 1year aftermarket warranty (oct 2014)
I appreciate it, but I don't want to take a loan for a bike.

1. I have too many student loans that I owe as it is.
2. I don't want to have to pay the premium for full-coverage on the bike while it is under loan.

Thanks though!
I feel ya man! I spent a long time buying, selling, fixing, and trading off junk bikes to get the one I've got now. Went through six bikes making a little bit of cash off each one. And along with a little bit of dough i had managed to save up, bought myself a 'bolt.

Moral of the story: patience pays off. [up]
Budgeting is ALWAYS a great idea! It will pay off, and probably sooner than you think too.
Thanks for the support, guys!

I have wanted one forever, and I just haven't made any real strides to make it happen besides hope that enough money piles up - which of course, never happens.

This is a way to make sure that every month something will be going into the Buell fund. I am going to try to tighten down other spending as well, and hopefully I can get one this season.

I am looking for things to sell on Ebay, as well!
About a year ago the wife and I sat down and made a budget on an excel spreadsheet and have for the most part followed it closely. It's amazing how much money you can save if you watch where you're putting it. We have saved more in the last year than we did the previous several years. We used to eat out every day, stuff like that, it's amazing how much you can save just by cooking at home.
Yeah, I just got married in August and bought a house. Both my wife and I have some serious school loans (she is going for her masters this fall) so we have had to do the budget thing from the get-go. It is really amazing how much you can make happen when you are aware and conscious of where you put your money.

Hopefully adding a Buell fund on the side will help me get there sooner rather than later.

It will be fun when it finally comes together!
Well, our house was damaged in a storm this passed weekend. As per usual, my Buell fund will likely be used to help fund the repairs. I am pretty bummed.

Anyone have any experience with insurance claims? Our tree was bending in the high winds and knocked our chimney. The chimney didn't fall completely, but it looks like a twisted Jenga stack...

A few bricks fell and rolled down the roof and onto my yard.

Is there any chance I can get a chimney and new roof through insurance?
Totally off subject but... How'd you post 1100+ threads on a buell Forum without ever actually owning a buell??... Lolol...

I promise I mean that in a seriously humorous fashion and is in no way, shape, or form a bad thing... They woulda ran my ass off from here about 1099ish posts ago... Hahaha!!...

Sorry to hear about the house man... There will still be lots of buells to go around when you get the money... =) the XB's aren't too hard to find... Running across a good priced tuber that's within a halfway reasonable driving distance is like digging up gold tho...
Hahaha. I ask myself the same thing often. It's embarrassing how many posts I have on here.

I love Buells - so it's mostly just admiring and picking up useful information so when I do make a purchase I know what to look for. And also to have ideas of what I want to do with my bike when I have it.

When I first joined, I thought i was like 6 weeks from owning a Buell. Here I am 1100 posts later and life has kept me at bay.

The BuellXB community is too hard to leave - Lots of good guys on here.
Totally off subject but... How'd you post 1100+ threads on a buell Forum without ever actually owning a buell??

Because he's a cool guy and knows where the cool kids are. lol

If you guys can help him out by telling him when there is a good deal, I know he'll appreciate it.