Jardine Exhaust SUCKS!!!!

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
Portland, OR
Alright so most of you know my brother rides a '08 XB12R and my a '04 XB12R

So for the first time we swapped bikes and hopped on the highway here in Cali.
My bike has the "race kit" and his bike has the famous Jardine pipe.

His bike was obviously louder and I was jealous of it's true chopper sound. But once I let out the clutch I knew my '04 had better low end torque. I shift about 3000 RPM's in general and I caught myself shifting at 4 cause of the lack of torque. On the highway side by side we did a 5th gear pull and he pulled away on my bike. He was doing 3000 RPM roll on wheelies with my bike compared to 4500 RPM wheelies with his '08. But due to my brothers love for the loud sound he still wont change exhaust.

To sum things up: The Jardin is loud as hell but it takes away a massive amount of power and torque!



Getting a warning due to the cops interest in the bikes :D


Myself on the left, brother on the right.
Good job boys.Did ya talk the police into getting a a Buell? I have heard of this happening here in Hawaii.Cop stopped a biker,dug the ride and got one himself.;)
Ah I truely believe the buell will get out out of ticktes...3rd time out (no plates) w/ bill of sale and mom and dad on 03 fatboy with street sweepers revved up his bike under an overpass caught the attention of a state trooper and saw my plates...first thing he said NICE BIKE got him on bike talk and i got a warning:D[up] prolly helped though he had a harly
If he wants to fix the pipe I figured out how to get the back pressure back very easily and cheep.
Aw how cute, brothers with matching bikes with matching tires!
lol you just jealous Dave!!
Ah I truely believe the buell will get out out of ticktes...3rd time out (no plates) w/ bill of sale and mom and dad on 03 fatboy with street sweepers revved up his bike under an overpass caught the attention of a state trooper and saw my plates...first thing he said NICE BIKE got him on bike talk and i got a warning prolly helped though he had a harly
haha yeah we got a warning too. The officer didn't care too much for the bikes but we were polite :D
If he wants to fix the pipe I figured out how to get the back pressure back very easily and cheep.

Legit bike!! I want your heal guards.
There is a difference between 07 and older bikes and the 08+ bikes with DDFI3. I test rode a Uly in 06 and remember it hitting hard, but my 09 seems to have a softer power delivery. So I think part of the difference is the DDFI3.

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