Landscapers/Engineers/Handy Man. I need your Help

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
I know this is a Buell forum but Ive seen some amazing diy fellas on here who might have some insight. Well I bought some land on the Gasconade River. Its beautiful and everything I've wanted except the access to the river. I have about a 20 ft. drop to the water during summer season. I have a jet boat and can't get my boat down to the river without some serious landscaping or fabed ramp of some sort. In the spring the river usually floods to well over this 20ft. level so keep this in mind. I have a bobcat and metal shop to use so not too much is out of the question. Anyone got some good ideas? The boat is a small 16 ft. All weld, very light.
Landscaper and boat owner here. If you were thinking about grade work AND paved ramp, you may come out better just building a small covered slip with a lift and then take the boat out of the river downstream somewhere..just another option. After hualing mine to the lake all last summer I started to think how much nicer it would be for us to just go TO the boat and then just hit a button to put in.
I have some 8" H beam that I thought I could use as a trailer tire guide, and burry a post at the top with a wench at the top. Back boat to wench hit button and lower down and vise versa to come up? There is an access about a mile down the road, just a lot of jack wagons and kids hanging out down there.
Btw, I can't build on to the river just to it;)
Man, that sounds tough. I'm sure it's doable but I think after the first few times I would be rethinking it. (I like EASY). Know anyone with a Bobcat or or Case,etc.
Doubt I will be doing that ramp lol. Yeah igot a bobcat, the rules around the river are really strict. U can't push anything into the river.
Just remember moving water has alot of power, so anything you put down there could be taken out by the water at any time.
Bolty, yeah I know man??? Hermmmmm...... I may just start digging and see where it goes???
If you can get a pile driver you could make a lift/dock that brings your boat from any height river up to the top of the bank and allows you to pull your boat right onto a trailer and vise versa. Or just leave it on the lift/dock and lock it all up. Even put a roof and walls around it?
I'm a little confused, when you say 20 ft drop to the river, I'm picturing a cliff...or is it a more gentle drop? What's stopping you from taking your bobcat and digging your own ramp to the river? Just bank the sides so it doesn't collapse.
I put my jet boat in to the gasconade at my family's land under the bridges on 17 out of Waynesville. You CAN NOT build any permanent structures anywhere near the water. I floods about 25 ft or more and just destroys anything near the gravel. I would build a ramp from available gravel then prepare to fix it every year. I used to put used telephone poles in, chained together to make a ramp guide but it lasted only one year.
Snak, it's probably more a cliff than slope. The bottom is maybe 4 ft closer to the water than the top of the bank. As Spud said, the river is very tough and will wash things out, I may have to just prepare to fix the dude every year? :( although I guess I could replicate The conservations ramp idea of course on a smaller scale???
Blay, I don't guess I'm following you, but no structures can go
Into the water. Just to it.
Ok. I still think you ought to be able to just dig a ramp down to the water with you skid steer and bank the sides so it won't collapse. As long as some grass grows over it then it shouldn't wash away, right? You could pour concrete on the base to give a surface with good traction...

Other than this fairly reasonable and inexpensive idea.....I don't know, maybe some sort of boat lift or winch to raise/lower it like some suggested above, but that's expensive and sort of inconvenient, and puts a structure near the water.

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