Last piece needed!!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2013
And here I am with my second (and hopefully last) problem to start my BuellXB forum life lol!

I have a broken fairing brace.
The one that holds the headlights, speedos etc.
I've tried to fix it to no avail.
So I need a new one.
I hate to spend the money but I have to have it. Last piece before I can finally ride my Buell!

Problem is I can't find them. On eBay or anywhere else.
Does anybody know where to get one?
I appreciate it!
How about a little bike info... R or S and year?

Check out the banners and ads that are on almost every page,,,, etc

And if all else fails, this thread would probably be better over in the "Parts" section. GL
Post a picture of the damage. I saw a very nice repair done on anothers fairing stay. Maybe you could go that route
2003 Firebolt XB9R

I didn't see the parts section! Oops lol.
I'm using the mobile site and its a little harder to navigate.

@Red93stang ill check them out!

@Theycallmecrash I refuse lol! I tried to fix it myself with aluminum brazing... And the horribleness that I further caused I dare not show!
@theycallmecrash 140$!
Damn it! Money I didn't want to spend!
Maybe I should call...

@Thrstrmech that's not bad.
Showed me 115$ for some reason, but still!
that price was from when I researched it late last year, repaired a fairing stay a few months ago which had the left fairing/turn signal support broken off and didn't have the part, a forum member hooked me up with it, cleaned up the two pieces and put it together with 3M Hysol, screws, and aluminum. painted and installed when I got all the parts needed to do an S to R front end conversion. another forum member welded the fairing mount to frame using a spare stay that he had, looked like it was never damged, so goes to show that they can be repaired. don't be bashful about it, post a pic, maybe it can still be salvaged, but we can't tell you yea or nah 'til you post a pic of the stay.
I just saw one on eBay, starting bid is 75 bucks plus 25 shipping. Might what to think about a new one.

2003-2009 Buell XB Firebolt fairing support bracket, front fairing bracket