Leaky Fork!!!?? Wht do I do???

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i don't think they know waht your talking about jetlee. they may need a picture:D. after i saw this post, i tried it just for the hell of it (my forks are not leaking) and was surprised at the ammount of crud that came out. great tip[up]
I forget which Blast guy gave me the idea, I've since done it to several friends bikes with great success.

I don't have any film, lol.
I just did mine myself. They really arent that bad if you have some mechanical ability. Only paid about 40 in parts and oil.
Vance did you have the spring compressor and whatnot already?

I'd like to do mine myself too but the two hundred bucks or so in tools is kinda rough.

I still haven't figured out if it's going to cost me more to DIY or outsource it.
Skyline Honda just told me they would do both for $180. Not bad, just piss me off got to fix the bike AgaiN! Never had this much trouble on 3 different Ninjas.... O well I stole my bike and love her.....
Probably list too much fluid to just do the film fix, just gonna treat her right. Btw HD quoted $250 for labor then parts on top. Not too bad but not $180. Total and Im not supporting HD in the process.
Vance did you have the spring compressor and whatnot already?

No I used rachet straps for a spring compressor so all I bought was a seal driver which was I believe 40. I made a fork leveling tool out of a turkey baster and vice grips. Worked pretty good.

Vance did you have the spring compressor and whatnot already?

I'd like to do mine myself too but the two hundred bucks or so in tools is kinda rough.

I still haven't figured out if it's going to cost me more to DIY or outsource it.

I think you can get away with about $80 on the tools. That is the Traxxion spring compressor and Seal Driver.

You can make a tool to do the fork level pretty easy, just use a baby medicine syringe, and the rest is easy as well.

Tools just make the job easier, I'm sure you could get away without the seal driver too, but I wouldn't want to risk scratching up a fork tube and the subsequent damage your seals would take.

I would much rather spend $150-200 on tools than pay someone to work on my bike, I look at it as paying myself for my time with the tools I get to keep.
I totally agree with you Nooner. I have been putting some mileage on mine also that I justify it as I'll most likely be doing it again in the future might as well get the tools now. I plan on getting more bikes in the future so it doesnt hurt to build up the tool collection into some bike stuff too to add to my growing car tool collection. And what guy doesnt like tools. :D
That's just the sort of business I wanted to hear.

Thanks guys, I'm going to go check out the Traxxion stuff.

Had myself all scurred for nothing.
Ok so I checked out some YouTube videos and the job looks really easy, can make a seal drive from a piece of PVC pipe that is slightly larger, just cut slits in it so it can be tapered. And for spring compressor it looks as if there isn't that much pressure, several people could just push on it hard enough to start threading, one guy used a car jack sideways against a retaining wall and car tire. However I don't quite understand the leveling part? It looks as if u should just put in the correct amount of oil and all should be well? Is this right? Also does anyone know how much a buell fork holds? Thanks guys!
Yes you just put in the right amount of oil but the book has it as I believe 4" from the top so thats why you need to level it. There is no set amount that it tells you to put in. Check that amount as that is from total memory. I tried the PVC pipe and it didnt work so I just got one. They go on sale occasionally from Cycle gear and I'm sure a sponsor may sell them but I'm not sure which one. When you go to reassemble before you screw the tube to the top part you will be able to pour the oil in and get it to the right level. I'll double check the manual tomorrow if someone doesnt correct whether my 4" number is correct and get you the actual right number.
it takes a fair amount of force. if you dont have a proper spring compressor you will need an extra hand. you also need to compress the spring to take it apart. i made some tools when i rebuilt mine. out of "scrap" metal i found

No jetlee, I think I've lost too much oil, [confused]:(
Kon, I've seen guys take it apart with a rag in top for the last thread or two, it all just springs into the rag. Maybe they had smaller forks or something?
Ok so shop can't get me in till the 10th so I'm gonna try and take her apart myself. Does anyone have a decent how to or a where I should start from type of info they would like to pass on? Thanks guys!
Did the film work? I hope you guys didn't think he meant leave the film in.. you just use the film to dislodge any dirt that is on the seal, letting oil leak out... Film is thin yet.flexible...
Kon, I've seen guys take it apart with a rag in top for the last thread or two, it all just springs into the rag. Maybe they had smaller forks or something?

they must have had different forks.

when you unscrew the fork cap it doesnt release the spring tension. the purpose of the spring compressor is to hold the collar down so you can remove the fork cap from the damper rod assembly.
Yeah I knew about the film bein used as a cleaning device.

O I c, well looks like I'll be making a tool, got plenty of time till the 10th!

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