Left bike on all night, dead. Trickle charger work?

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2009
Left my key in the on position all night and now its dead. Think im going to get one of those sustainer chargers from walmart and let it sit on there for a couple days. Would that work? Can I just push it down the drive way and throw it in gear?
you might be able to bump start yours but riding on a low battery is usually not good with fuel injection. a trickle charger would prob get it back to where it needs to be but idk, overnight it was prob completely dead. I left mine on for 1.5 hours once and it was enough to run the pump and everything but not start. it took 2-3 hours on the trickle charger and its been fine since.
i did the same thing and i just left it on my battery tender and waited till the light went from red to green i havent had any problems
picking one up tonight. Thanks guys. Sucks I wont be riding for a few days since a hurricane is going to be riding through here tuesday. I cant wait. Always wanted to experience one.
I did the same thing at the 105th last year. Left the key on the whole time I was at the HD museum. (Thank god nobody wanted my bike) When I got out the battery was dead as a doornail. Thankfully there were a bunch of nice HD riders around to help me push start the bike.

If you are going to EVER try that route make sure you have a few guys to help. Unless you have a big hill there is no way you're going to bump start your bike by yourself.
get the charger on it and you should be good. if it's not, check fluid...if it still no good, get a new battery.

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