LoJack for Buells

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Jan 21, 2009
Portland, OR
Alright so I am one of those guys who is really paranoid of getting my bike stolen, and living in the northwest we have the highest motorcycle theft rate in the country. I only paid $3,500 for my '04 Buell Bolt so it just didn't make sense for me to pay $1,200 a year for full coverage. Anyway, I started doing research on what the best anti-theft system.

After talking with a guy in my biker group he mention Lojack... I had heard of it for cars but had never been brought up for motorcycles before. So I went on the Lojack web site which lead me to my local HD dealer. They told me Low jack is by far the best anti-theft device out there.

They (HD techs) told me it costs $950.00 and is installed by HD technicians who all go through background checks. EXPENSIVE! But it's a one life-time, fee. You set up five ways of contact for LoJack to contact you if your bike moves while it is armed. Cops are called immediately to track the bike down if taken. If Bike is not recovered then Lojack gives a full refund of the unit. I guess the success rate for recovery has been really good.

Has anyone had this installed and how do you like it? Any success stories? Is all the info they gave me correct?

LoJack site
YOu can do better than 1200 I bet for insurance. Plus, full coverage can cover some gear too. To me, I think it just goes with owning and riding a bike. You gotta have your gear, and you gotta have your insurance.

On the other hand $950 isn't that bad to me. Its better than $3500(one hell of a deal) for a replacement. But would you want to get your bike back after someone takes it? To me she would feel raped.

This whole thing reminds me of a dude in fresno who got his bike stolen from his house. He chased the guy down the street in his car and kept up with the guy on his bike. The guy had no gear on so he wasn't going very fast. Well the owner kept yelling "pull over!" but the thief wouldn't, so he said f*ck it and HE HIT THE THIEF ON HIS BIKE WITH HIS CAR!! The dude almost died, and his bike was almost dead to. It took the dealership almost a month to fix everything. But oh man, that would feel pretty good to yank that steering wheel right into the guy trying to steel your bike.
Talk about a revenge. That is my way of dealing with a thief. [mad]
Maybe it broke both legs and really f**ked up some other **** too.:p
Lojack is great just make sure they cover your area 1st before you plump down the change for it. They have a coverage section on their website check it to make sure your city/area is covered by them and that the police in the area even use Lojack
Dang Dave thats an intense story! I get what you mean by the "rape" feeling but with Lojack they get it back pretty quick so it wouldn't be too bad.

The reason my insurance is so high is because I have 2 tickets within the 3last years and I am 20. So liability is my only option so far.

make sure your city/area is covered by them and that the police in the area even use Lojack
Thanks for the tip strmvt!
Yea dude, I don't think I'd want my bike back if it was stolen. I'll stick with my insurance and my Glock.

Dave - Did that dude in Fresno see any legal aftermath? I'm guessing he was charged with something. Just because someone takes you shi# doesn't give you the right to almost kill him. lol
I really don't know. I don't even know him personally. I've seen him on the road, its one of 2 white 08 firebolts in fresno.
Just because someone takes you shi# doesn't give you the right to almost kill him. lol

---Does in texas :)

Colorado has the "Make my day law". Shoot anyone breaking into your property, armed or not. Ask questions later.
Arizona has a similar law. The only restriction is you can't shoot a fool in the back. That's just wrong.

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