Looking for the right eeprom

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Apr 19, 2017
Please forgive me if this has been beat to death, but I am searching, still, for some options to burn onto my ECM.
I am the new owner of a 2007 Uly with the BUEIB ECM.
I have a full registered copy of ECMSpy and am playing with BuellTooth too.
I am striking out finding downloads in for my BUEIB, find others but not mine.

Other than this I think I have a handle on it and am good to go.
I have googled and searched but have resorted to asking for help, the last step before quiting.

Any advice
I've three eeprom s that I have found in the last three months. My '06 has an '07 air box so I flashed my ecm to '07 eeprom. I've also modified the '07 to a "summer logic" with fan on around 30° earlier then stock so the bike runs noticeably cooler, and a race eeprom as well which I have not run, and a stock '06. I've only got a phone and limited data so it takes a few steps to send anything but I can work on it if you are interested.
I don't really need a map but I do need to play with things.
Also want to try to smooth things out in the 2k-3k rpm range.

If it is not a problem, and if your deploy is for a BUEIB, I'd love it if I could get a copy of your race/custom maps.

Feel free to PM me.
i just got the BUEIB Race from Buelltooth.
Hope to try it on later this evening.

Fingers crossed.