Loss of power 4000-5500 rpm

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Mar 10, 2021
I have a 08 xb9sx with 16k on the clock. She starts right up and runs great...except when I get on the throttle and bring her up to 4-5500 rpm she really hesitates to rev higher. Like a weak surge then when I really pin the throttle and she works past it she picks up like a bat out of hell. Any ideas of what it could be??
Any help would be much appreciated.
The first step is always to check the AFV to see what the ECM has adjusted itself to, then act accordingly. It's probably running lean like most Buells. Don't change any parts until you've done some simple diagnostics. It's VERY quick and easy to do.
My SS was doing the same thing a tiny drop of locktite on the battery connector bolts to keep them tight and cleaning grounds solved the issue. Follow the KISS principle First then get into your electronic diagnosis.
Any resolution to this? Was there any coughing/backfiring at 4.5k-5k, or just sluggish? Aside from what's been mentioned, a fuel pressure test may be a good idea to test your fuel pump. Mine XB12S used to have a bit of a hiccup sometimes at higher rpm's, then started actually cutting out and popping around 4k-5k, and eventaully threw a timing sensor code. just replaced it and revs perfectly through to redline now.