Loud exhaust question?

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2010
I was wondering if anyone has gotten a loud exhaust ticket on their bike? I know my race pipe tends to get a little loud and if I see a cop I usually let off or upshift depending on the situation. Loud pipes save lives.
I'm not worried about my exhaust, its quiet compared to some of the Harley guys running straight pipes, I was just wondering if anyone has gotten a ticket for being to loud.
Running a Hawk currently and haven't been bothered by the law, yet. The H.O.A don't like it much though , but I told them when they make the Harley riders quiet it down then they can say something.
They passed a law in most states that they cannot ticket you anymore unless the have the equiptmet to test how loud your exhaust is. That pretty much makes it impossible for them because that stuff is expensive. Its always best to act respectable arround the police anyways though.
My race can is stamped "for off road use only" so yeah I COULD get a ticket if they inspected my bike close enough. And OKlahoma Highway patrolman are notorious for things like this.
So Bolty if your muffler is stamped the same as mine then YES you CAN get a ticket but more than likely you won't. best of luck[up]
been stressing since i did my mod, as it so much louder - specially on the backfire! but as you guys pointed out, the Harleys are so much louder! mine was also done in part as a safety feature in traffic (as we are allowed to lane split).

i also think it always sounds louder for you than it does for other road users, as one does tend to be more aware of it. seems like the cops over there give you guys sooo much grief!?
And OKlahoma Highway patrolman are notorious for things like this.

hows that go "to serve and protect"? i feel safer knowing they are out there getting one exhaust at a time.
one exhaust at a time.

I got pulled over in the suburbs of pittsburgh and my truck at the time was running open headers. I figure great I am getting a ticket for disturbing the peace which is a commonly given ticket around me.....Nope I got pulled over because I didn't have mudflaps on my truck. [mad] They have nothing better to do.

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