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Dec 1, 2012
Crawling up your skirt
An anniversary of sorts.

I met you on March 15th, 2003.

When I saw you, I knew right away that we would be pals. It was in the middle of the biggest rainstorm in California that I can remember. My girlfriend and I were driving to Downey, Ca. We had already been past quite a few car crashes and been yelled at by an irate cop, but that hadn't deterred us from our destiny to meet you.
You were getting a good talking to by your sister. She had her mouth in your ear just yapping away, but you just went on your way completely ignoring her. Even then as a young boy, you had a better temperament and more of an even keel than I. That's why I loved you from the start.

It's a big commitment for me to open my arms to anyone, and truly let them all the way in. There would be those who disagree, but those people would be my friends.
Once your in, you are in forever.

You had me figured from the start. It took less than 5 minutes before I invited you and your sister to come live with us. Once we got there the first thing you did was drink my Corona. Ya... Best buddies for sure. As they say "...and hilarity ensued".

It seems so long ago, just ten years. I was such a different person. I truly have you to thank for how I am today, at least good parts. I remember the old days well. Stressing out, building the business, chasing the dollars, making little things into big problems, all the crap I don't do anymore. Thank you.

Right from the start LaLa and I, with you and your sister, did everything together. You had never seen the places we went ever before, and we shared lots new places together. You went work with me a lot and even though you couldn't help, you would wait for me even when I worked late, never complained, not even once.

In the last ten years you have seen see massive sand dunes, cold rainy coastlines, got to ride a dirt bike (you didn't like it), tubed on the lake (sorry for almost running you over with the trailer), saw dark starry nights, most of the southwest desert, windblown cliffs, and snowy mountain passes. We were sad at Little Big Horn, we were happy with Wisconsin cheese, we met deer at the Grand Canyon, bison in Yellowstone, ostriches at the Delta, and we found out skunks aren't cats (twice, you idiot...). We sang the blues in Memphis, tasted in Lynchburgh, found jello shots in NASCAR country, we had long days in Erie on our own beach, and walked for many, many miles. I think we pee'd outside in every single national park. Is there a record for that? Or a Fine? Boating was your favorite, you couldn't wait to run on the beach and play in the water with me.

We have lived in a few houses together but it didn't matter to you if it was at the beach, too big, too small, or even had wheels. You made it a home. When I had to go away, I couldn't wait to come back home to see you and tell you all about it.

LaLa and I got married, and by now there was no doubt you and your sister were part of our family. Even when we rented out our house, packed up everything and headed out to see the entire USA by trailer, you didn't hesitate to jump in with us. With the wind in our faces and our house on the hitch ball, you never complained. Besides, our bladders were way bigger than the girls bladders were. The trips we would take together were all windows down and heavy metal blaring. The girls can have their A/C and Jazz in their own car. But you know us guys do things a little differently. Better.

Now I see you. Breathing heavily, anemic, and your lungs racked with cancer. You never complained. You still haven't. I have seen my only sister, and my best friend both succomb to that evil ****. They were both the strongest, most stubborn people I know, and now it has you.

I know it's up to me to make the choice for you. I want the quality of your life to outweigh the quantity of your life. That does not make my decision any easier.

I know you love me. You have told me every single day since we met. The way you always have my back. The way you greet me. The way you look at me disapprovingly when I know ******* well I should have been home hours ago. The way you smile. The way you wag your tail.

I love you too Luke.


He passed awhile ago, but I'm pouring one out for my homie today. His sister Daisy went a little while later.

He used to love to find the dirtiest corner in the shop and lay down in nasty metal shavings and grease, because dawg right?. He'd also come up right behind your feet and lay down totally stealthily. Funny bastard.:sorrow: Wagged whenever he heard a V-twin. Walked away from I-4's though... A Buell dog for sure.

He went everywhere with me and I haven't had the heart share my life with another, there will only be one of him
I feel your pain and know what its like to loose someone who loves you unconditionally, sorry for your loss.
Well that wasn't fun to read while I was eating breakfast......I truly and unfortunately know how you feel. We had two Bassett hounds we lost within months of each other three yrs ago. One passed at home and one I had to take in, they are resting next to each other under a shade tree on a quiet spot on the back of our property. The one was ALWAYS under a car or truck with me and always had a spot of grease on him somewhere. We have since rescued (more like he rescued us) lab\pit, they call them pitadors. Think of it this way......if you rescue a new buddy, imagine how great his life is gonna be being with you and not with some ******* or even worse put to sleep because nobody would rescue him at the shelter.
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I feel you man, I lost my only daughter ( Shnoodle ) in September, 17 1\2 years old the baby was and if we're 40 years it still wouldn't be long enough ! Still brings a tear to my eye when I think about her. My two human boys knew she was there little sister and would protect her to the death if they had to. She pretty much ran the house with my wife as her helper. My wife says that when she passed , she took her heart with her. I'm getting the sniffles as I write all this.

It's going to be tough as I am sure you know but, know this, he's right there with you and wondering why you don't talk to him ! So make sure to give him a pat on the head and a big hello when you get home everyday !

One of my wife's friends lost her beloved dog, she was so distraught she went to a median, she was told, I don't understand why your so unhappy, your dog certainly isn't, he's right by your side now with a big smile on his face. You'll see, I want you to put water in his bowl tonight. She did put the bowl out and the next morning there wet paw prints around the bowl ! Yes, she was a bit astonished but she was also very happy !

We've been looking for a rescue but it's hard because all of our babies came to us through odd events, the only dog we ever bought was this last one and even she came to us through odd events, so we wait for a little while longer to see who comes our way.

Feel better brother !

P.S. He was a handsome puppy !
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Yes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ exactly

When you have helped as many people as he has on this forum, then maybe when you lose someone you love they'll cut you some slack but the above response does not indicate it will happen !
So second amendment chat is frowned upon here but this is acceptable ? Must be a safe zone.

It's a very clicky group here. I'm just saying.

Talk about whatever the Hell you want to.

In your own thread, please.

Edit: Do not engage, do not engage, do not.... oh crap:(

In the whole entire expanse of the internet that I choose to go and spend my valuable free time, I go to exactly THREE places regularly. Not four. An off-roading forum, a gun forum, and yep, you guessed it...BuellXB.
I find the vast majority of people on here to be friendly, helpful, and courteous. I have met several members, and 2 have even become very close friends.
Sometimes personalities clash and I am guilty of being snarky with the new ones on occasion, but my intentions are good. A bad puppy needs to get the newspaper sometimes to make it a good dog, for everybody's sake. That's the meaning of community.
It was tough, but I chose to share the very personal letter I wrote to Luke with this community, because I value its members and appreciate their well wishes.
And thank you guys very much for them. Really, thank you.

Since you only have 38 posts, you're new here. I'll help and spell it out for you, Outlaw.
2nd amendment talk does not equal guns, 2nd amendment talk equals politics, and even worse, it equals party lines.
Is it really that hard to see that starting a political thread in an unrelated forum is a bad idea??? Someone says 'Screw that Giant Douche!' the next post is 'Screw that Turd Sandwich!' and guess what comes next... downhill quickly, no one wins.
You are instantly alienating 50% of your audience, and pissing off the other 50%. Really!?! You don't get enough of the political junk everywhere else, all the time?? You wanna fight with strangers with your keyboard? Go ahead! There are plenty of places for that, I rather you didn't bring that crap into this peaceful place, but it's neither my forum nor my rules.
Personally, I come here to get away from that daily screaming in your face no-win garbage. I come here to talk motorcycles, long trips, greasy fingernails, and sometimes shop dogs.
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Didn't try to offend you Cooter . You seem like a good guy. I don't post a lot, just get frustrated by the double standards that this forum has . It seems if the usual elders here don't approve then it's not allowed. I don't even remember the post but that man just wanted to tell his story too. Sorry Cooter.
O.k. I'll try, I'm here 1 year today ! Very happy I found this forum, now, while I am am an elder, I'm not when it comes to this forum, while I am an advocate for second amendment rights, I'm not when it comes to this forum, while I do own firearms, I don't want to discuss them here, on this forum. I do want to learn about Buell motorcycles but, I won't go to a second amendment or firearm forum to do that, I'll come here because I know that's what most others are also doing.

I have seen no double standards as yet but, as I said before, seniority prevails, and I'm just a ........... puppy.