Major props to my local HD dealer

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2014
High Point, NC
After splitting the cases on my dam xb12r for the second time in nearly two years it's now become nothing more than a hobby. I work on it when I can and order parts when I feel like it. Or should I say when my wallet feels like it.
Today I felt like finally checking out what exactly is wrong with the gears in my transmission. In order to do so I needed the help of my local HD dealer. I had called them a while back and they quoted me $45 to remove the transmission from the left half of my crank case. I figured today was as good as any to piss away that 45 bucks.
The buell tech was super cool with me and even helped me inspect my shift drum, shift forks and gears. He gave me suggestions as to what he recommended replacing and what not. The tech probably spent an hour with me and after all was said and done... ...they didn't charge me a dime! They even let me get me greasy mitts all over their service manual and parts manual. They quoted me a price on parts and said thanks for stopping by.
I have to say, the Greensboro NC HD has been super cool to me. I would definitely recommend them to anyone that lives in the area and wants to pay HD dollars not to get their own hands dirty.
I almost felt bad walking out of there without being charged for anything. That was until I noticed all the suits kicking tires and ordering studded leather saddle bags, teeshirts and chrome license plate covers.
No one likes to trash HD parts & service as much as I do, but I gotta admit there's a few good folks who work there. I happen to know a tech at our local HD shop who gives me plenty of insider tips & workarounds for our XB motors.
I have (2) local dealerships who are nothing short of awesome at helping me....both parts AND service wise! (Whites H/D-EBR and Iron Valley H/D). :)
Ugh. Not so happy today. Wanted to buy the spacers/washers, needle bearings and retaining clips I need to make my transmission good as new. Parts guy told me he had to sell me the entire bag of retaining clip and spaces and washers and needle bears. So he pretty much had to sell me enough parts to rebuild two transmissions. And charge me $50 more than what I needed or wanted. Thing that pisses me of is last time I had a similar order the parts guy I dealt with did split up the various parts that I wanted from their designated bags or whatever.
Can't find the parts on surdyke either.
Dam. Sometime you just can't win.
I'll reach out to Al at American sport bike and see if he can help me out. If not, I may have to swallow my pride and just take the extra parts.
That's Harley's standard packaging. I had to do the same thing when I wanted a few bolts...either get a whole bag (usually a set of 5) or get none...
That's Harley's standard packaging.
That's the same way in multiple industries. (Automotive, commercial truck, etc.). It sucks, but.... That really isn't your dealers fault. SOMETIMES if you get lucky, they will have the 'leftovers' from a job in a techs stash and they will sell you something. I saved EVERYTHING left over at the race shop!

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