I was just looking around at some RSS options when I found this xb:
I picked up some sheet metal today and I'm using the Manx look as my inspiration.
I don't really know to much when it comes to metal shaping, but how hard can it be?
and for $12 worth of materials ($20 if you include the six pack of Fat Tire ) its sounds like a good way to spend some free time.
I'll try to keep a good log of cell phone pictures for this thread.
I picked up some sheet metal today and I'm using the Manx look as my inspiration.
I don't really know to much when it comes to metal shaping, but how hard can it be?
and for $12 worth of materials ($20 if you include the six pack of Fat Tire ) its sounds like a good way to spend some free time.
I'll try to keep a good log of cell phone pictures for this thread.