Alright so i have bought an 06 lightning xb12ss. it ran fine for a few days and then had some low idle issues. I honestly know nothing about bikes so i ended up here looking at some stuff. eventually figured out it needed a tps reset and a breather reroute. I had the harley shop do the reset and i did the breather on my own which was easy thanks to everybody here. I live in alaska and the harley shop here is not known for being very good. I didn't enjoy my experience with them as well. They told me the reset didnt do anything and my bike was choking itself out because the exhaust valve was bad. They priced me for like 5 hours of labor at about 115 an hour and $500 dollars for a new muffler some screws and an actuator cable. I said no because i remembered reading up on wiring it shut and programming the ecm. Here is where i messed up. I took care of the valve and the bike ran a little better now it wouldnt die and i could keep it running with a little touch of the throttle. The breather really helped. But it was running rich and with a much higher idle until about 30 minutes of riding and then i had to feather the throttle at stops to keep it running. I had no luck getting ecm spy to work so i used tuner pro. I do not think i did the firmware correctly or something because i didnt want to pay for anything. I ended up downloading the ecm info from the bike. i found directions that sounded so simple for unchecking a box which would delete the exhaust valve but on my tunerpro rt it wasnt there. I decided to change something just to see if it was working. when i uploaded it to the bike it tried to run died and now it wont start at all. What i believe i did was upload the emulator without firmware or something. I tried to upload the backup save to correct what i have done and its still screwed. did i put stuff on my ecm the ecm cannot interpret? when i turn the key the fuel pump doesnt even prime or anything.