ok so i did the How-To: Crank Case Breather Mod just now. i took it out for like a 7 mile ride. in the first mile it was chokeing up and poping like it always did "which is what i was trying to fix" after it warmed up it was running fine. i pull up in the drive way look at the filter and i notice its smokeing....its not hot though is mine the only one that does this? and is there any harm that can come from this mod.
and its not heavy smoke coming out its more like a steam that smells like fuel.
and will it still benifet me to do a airbox mod?
i posted on that thread but im really concerned about it and no one replied :/
and its not heavy smoke coming out its more like a steam that smells like fuel.
and will it still benifet me to do a airbox mod?
i posted on that thread but im really concerned about it and no one replied :/