Mount & Balance XB Wheels at an Independent Shop?

Buellxb Forum

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Ooooo my .02

I got a riding buddy that has a normal ass hand tire machine. He charges me $20 and my help to do both wheels. He balances them as well. I even ride the bike into his garage and we pull the wheels, put them back on and I ride away. **** HD stealerships, I will NEVER take my bike to another one. They cause more problems than they solve at double the rate any other reputable shop would do.
I use two indie shops. My local HD shop is pretty good and Buell friendly but that doesn't take away the Canadian pricing and their shop rate.

Anybody else notice that Buell part prices jumped upwards when the end came?

Anyway, let the indies do the tires (no charge for mounting and balancing if you bring just the wheel in), bearings, forks, and any thing else they can.

The two shops I use would tell me what they can't do before they start. One has a "learning rate" for stuff he hasn't done before but feels capable of doing: fair enough.
i used to work at an auto shop and on my buell i took the wheels off myself painted them and put no tires on it using a regular tire machine, no problems here, i didnt balance my wheels but i have no problems with shaking or wobbling so screw it.