Moving overseas

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2011
I will be moving to Germany around November and will be there for three years. Was wondering if anyone has any info on shipping overseas and what I would have to do to get my bike to pass inspection to be able to ride. Any info would be alot of help.
You going as Military or Civilian? Different either way you go, also there are much stronger laws reguarding exhaust over there they will impound your bike if it doesnt meet there standards from what i hear! If it is Military I can prob help but civilian you'd be best to find a reputable company and ask them the requirement's to ship.
Military, I know the will move one vehicle which is my Table, but not sure about the bike do they pack it with household goods. What do you mean about exhaust, too loud or emmisions? I have a ebr race kit on it.
I would go talk to TMO they should be able to tell you if they will and if not who they have contracted to mover your household good's and primary vehicle. Navy buddy of mine (I'm AF) just went to either Japan or Germany, cant remember which but if TMO doesnt help let me know and I will contact him he took his Harley and his truck so I am sure he will know. Exhaust they check Db I believe I know his aftermarket exhaust with baffles wasnt going to pass noise ordinance!
Yea I tried to talk to TMO but they wont give me anything more than general info till I get my orders which wont be till July or so. Im just trying to see if im going to have to sell it or store it and have enough time to do so if they wont move it.
Yeah problem is they change contracts due to bidding and etc so it could be a different contractor all together. Contact whoever you can find that ships bikes get a quote and have that as back up, also search for German motorcycle laws/requirements, I think there are a few people on here that are in Germany but it's middle of the nigt I think? Post a thread and ask for German riders/troop's in Germany to advise? Wish I could help more buddies in Japan so he might not be much help!
Take contact with
I shiped my bike with them last year. It is a german company so they would know everything you have to think of.

I do not know about the specific German import tax, but it is supposed to be the same technical rules for every European country so I can give you a short explanation of what you have to do in to Norway.
The bike needs a title from before 17 of June 2003 or you need a Certificate of Conformity. And that will cost you to much.
If the bike is from before this you have to go thru a noise test, the headlight have to be an european version, you also have to get an statement from Harley on the HP amount.

Bikes from after june 2003 is pretty much noting to import. But it could be easier in to Germany, but hopefully it is some german people in here that could help some more.

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