mw3 vs. battlefield 3

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Dude, this is a great question. I don't know. Depends on my mood.

Battlefield is better in my opinion. The graphics are absurd, game play is smooth, ect.

Cod is Cod. Its always fun, and addicting.

Battlefield doesn't have split screen Xbox live, which is a huge downside. It doesn't seem as customizable, either. Its game play is way more conservative, strategy based, and just more realistic to me. I enjoy that.

But Cod you can play with buddies together, and is more mindless and just run and gun - which is enjoyable.

Both games are sweet. I would prefer Battlefield hands down, but the lack of multi-player online takes something away from it.
MW3 is run and gun.

BF3 is tactic and squad based.

Haters gonna hate and all that. Been playing BF3 on PS3 and could not be happier. Played BF2 and BF2142 on the PC, but Im over PC gaming. Can only nerd out for so long. Heh.
the maps suck i think. they are very small and way too much technical bs. other then that its sweet it has a lot more custom stuff the mw2.. but battlefield is just hands down dirty!!!
I'm not at all a gamer. i bought a ps3 for my nephews when they visit and the blue ray player. BUT i have played cod very briefly at a buddies house who was plaing, and i decided i would try out battlefield 3. beat it in 3 days which honeslty was kind of a let down as i was actually enjoying it. its pretty sick. since i'm not a big gamer i don't have much to compare it to, and i don't do any of the online stuff so the rest of the gameplay is worthless to me. last time i was into video games was legend of zelda on nintendo(the first nintendo)!! i'm old!

its pretty bad ass though!
i don't do any of the online stuff so the rest of the gameplay is worthless to me. last time i was into video games was legend of zelda on nintendo(the first nintendo)!! i'm old!

you would sh!t your pants on the online stuff for 2 reasons... 1 its insane (i know good reason) and 2 the little kids that play hahah cussing up a storm its kinds sad but really fun to mess with them
I played the BF3 beta and was not impressed at all.The few gammers I play with none have BF3.So I got MW3 instead.I love the game but just need to level up.
I haven't played either game, but I prefer the Battlefield series, mostly because it has vehicles in multiplayer, lol. I've heard about some black friday deals for Battlefield 3, so I might get it then.
Cod's multiplayer is just mindless fun. That is why I will probably always play Cod over BF3, even though i think BF is the better game.
...last time i was into video games was legend of zelda on nintendo(the first nintendo)!! i'm old!

Your not the only one here dude, still have my original NES, but only about 10 games left.

I picked up BF3 for the PS3 just after it came out.
After a yr on BO its a breath of fresh air thats for sure.
Maps are pretty spread out and weapon action is very realistic.
Buddy has MW3 on xbox its cool too just different.
I'm sticking with BF3 for now.

Anyone try any of them in 3d yet?
Now thats a trip.
There are a few...
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I had played BO in 3d it was a little difficult to adjust to.
The new Batman in 3d is actually pretty good.
You can tell it wasn't an after thought or just an add-on.

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