So going home from work I romp it a bit and the belt snaps, then whips me in the ass like ima bitch!!! It hurt for a second, but I was to worried about crossing three lanes of traffic to get to the shoulder.
Question for BPG or anyone else: I have a 04 XB12s. If I order a belt off of BP.NET, do I need the newer pulley that I have read about on here. If so, Is there a way to tell if I already have one? I assume I have all original equipment since the bike is a 04 with 12,000 miles. Thanks ahead for the help.
Question for BPG or anyone else: I have a 04 XB12s. If I order a belt off of BP.NET, do I need the newer pulley that I have read about on here. If so, Is there a way to tell if I already have one? I assume I have all original equipment since the bike is a 04 with 12,000 miles. Thanks ahead for the help.