My New '09 Arctic White/Hero Blue XB12R and Props to Gail's HD in Grandview, MO!

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2010
Hey guys and gals! My name is Stephen. I'm from Omaha, Nebraska. I didn't see any place for an introduction thread so I thought I'd just say hi here.

Picked up my new Buell this last weekend!!

[up][up] to Gail's Harley Davidson/Buell in Grandview, Missouri! Very friendly and just a great buying experience with these guys!

Walked in and talked to Allen, my salesman. My girlfriend and I sat at his desk and got all the paperwork done up. He then took us to meet Gail, the owner of the dealership. Real nice and VERY energetic lady. Then, we went to their apparel and they gave me 2 free Buell t-shirts. I got one for me and one for the gf. After that they took us back to the service department and introduced us to those guys. After that, we went to the parts counter and met the head guy in parts. I bought some nice Harley Davidson ratchet straps to secure her for the ride back up to Omaha. After that, we went back to financing and signed the title and other paperwork.

When we finished up with that they brought the bike out and put it up on this little stage they have and took my picture with the bike. They announced over the intercom that I was the proud new owner of a Buell XB12R and they tell you to go around the corner and a ring a hanging bell for good luck and the whole dealership went crazy cheering and clapping. They gave me a free mousepad with the dealership name on it that holds the picture they took. I shot some more pics with my camera and Allen went over the bike with me. After that, they took me back to meet one of their mechanics that is supposedly their in house Buell expert. He showed me how to setup the suspension for my weight and we got it dialed in according the owners manual for my weight. Got it loaded in my truck and headed back to Omaha.

Again, great buying experience with this dealership. If you are looking at maybe buying a Harley or one of the few Buells they have left and are within driving distance I highly recommend Gail's!

I can't wait for it to warm up and this effing snow to melt so I can take this thing for a spin!










Welcome to the board and congrats on a new bike. I like this color scheme a lot. BTW if you have any questions don't hesitate (no questions are silly) and shoot it. There's always going to be few people happy to answer and give you some advice in no time.
Have fun with the bike and be safe on the road.
Little more about me...

I'm originally from Jefferson City, Missouri. I try and head back ever few months. So if there is anyone in that area that wants to meet up and ride sometime let me know. When it warms up I'll be bringing both the bikes back with me almost every time I come home to visit.

This is my third bike. I bought a 1991 Kawasaki Ninja EX500 in 2007. I rode that until last spring and bought a 2008 Honda CBR 600RR Grafitti.

When I moved up to the 600 I was also looking at a XB like this. I ended up buying the 600 obviously, but when I saw HD was shutting down Buell and the deals they were giving on these I had to pick up my other dream bike. I picked it up for $6495 OTD!:D

Anyways that is a little more about me. I'm glad to be here and ready for spring so we can start riding again!
Welcome, nice choice! Im in Saint Louis, so any time you want to ride we could meet up. Jeff city is only an hour and a half. That means an hour on the Buell. We could turn a lot of heads with twin 09 XB12R Buells.


Check this short Vid. You need to get a new pipe now.
How is the xb compared to the 600rr? I <3 that graffiti BTW. If I was to get a jap bike, that would be it.
How is the xb compared to the 600rr? I <3 that graffiti BTW. If I was to get a jap bike, that would be it.

I don't know yet. The spring before I bought the RR I test rode a XB9R with a Jardine exhaust. TWO COMPLETELY different animals compared to my RR. The buell is the most comfortable and safe I've ever felt on two wheels though.

I don't know how the 12 is compared to the 9 I rode but the 9 was so easy to ride. It seemed like it could read your mind and when you started to take a corner with it or you needed to swerve it just did it with a minimal amount of input. I mean my 600 isn't like a bus that you have to force to corner or anything, but the 9R just seemed like you didn't have to do anything.

I wanted to buy that one that I test rode. It was used with a few thousand miles and they were asking $7k. I was in a bad financial situation at the time though so I had to pass on it.

My the 600RR rules though! I love that bike. I'll never get rid of either of these bikes!

Here are a few pics of the RR:

One of my favorite pictures of it.

With my '05 Ram Daytona #08229

It's all stock still. Going to start working on it this summer some.

Crappy iPhone pic a few weeks after I bought it.

And here are a few of my old '91 EX500. I hated to sell it too. It was a fun little bike. I wanted to keep it so my gf could learn on it but I needed the money from it to pay cash for the RR. It had a fender eliminator, lower profile rear turn signals, and I painted the cans with flat black heat paint but I can't seem to find any of the pics I had of it with that stuff done to it.





Welcome to the forum ive got the other 09 white and blue in omaha, ne

hey atleast we are getting closer to riding weather im omaha
Rep points for having the other white/blue Buell in Omaha (at least that I have seen anyways).

I'm really happy about the weather finally getting better here. I just got the bike titled/licensed yesterday. I wanted to ride it to work and then to the DMV to get it done, but I put it on the truck instead. The sand and melting snow turning to ice over night doesn't make me feel good about getting the new hotness out of the garage and on the pavement yet.

Hopefully we get a good rain this weekend like they are calling for and wash some of this crap away.
Yeah i prolly wont head out till the street sweepers start making passes getting rid of all that sand

and there is an 08 white and blue in town but i have only seen him once and that was leaving Dillon brothers

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