My new bike!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2010
well guys a bit ago i made a post on some possible future bikes I've been wanting. I had it narrowed down between a DRZ and a triumph. Well I found both bikes for decent prices. I rode the DRZ and it was a pretty fun little bike that i still want to own one day. But the Triumph was tugging at my heart a bit more, not sure if it was the "young guy needing sport bike syndrome" or what, but i know own a triumph Daytona! its an 06 right at 10k on the odometer. its mostly stock as well, which I approve of, it'll let me have the chance to mod and change it up some.

I'm stationed in TN and the bike was for sale in Illinois back where my parents live, so i had my dad go look at it for me and ride it. He said it was a really nice bike so i pulled the trigger. They guy took a down payment on it and i'll pay for it in full when i get home in two weeks or so for Christmas leave. Right now i'm still planning on keeping my firebolt. But i'll probably uninsure it and rebuild it. I've never rebuilt a bike or anything before so it'll be a learning experience. I'll just rebuild it to stock form, but it'll still be a fun project i think.

And seeing as this thread has been worthless up to this point here are the required pictures.




yea i'm not even sure how i feel about the color yet......I know i like the 675's in red and blue, but the gold is so far out there i'm still undecided on it..... hopefully it'll grow on me!
Kinda hard to tell from the pics but the color kinda reminds me of the brembo brakes on my old STi :)
Nice looking Triumph. Really like the color. Looks like translucent amber in your pics.[up]
Damnit! I want one so bad for a second bike/track bike!

Nice looking bike :D
Thanks guys, i wont even get to see it until the 22nd at least, its going to be a long two weeks! and by then it'll be to late into winter to insure it, get new tires, do an oil fluid change, and ride it.....But it's a good christmas present to myself!!! and i can sit on it in the garage and make engine noises!!!
longer swing arm or maybe a shorter tail would catch my eye...two each is own. diggen the rest though :) [up]
sicsteeth, i'm going to loose the stock exhaust at some point and hopefully get one that sits a bit more flush with the rear end of the bike to make it seem a tad bit shorter hopefully....

I already have a short list of stuff for it going in my head....

-exhaust ($$$ permitting)
-another set of tires
-some powder coat for the rear sets and rider pegs (black)

and we'll leave it at that for now....

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