My new plate!!

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2009


Awesome look great!In Wis you only have 5 letters which make it pretty hard to come up with something.
Ahhh...thought you'd never ask...

The "5-0" is for my Mustang 5.0


"dro" is the last 3 letters of my first name, Sandro which is short for Alessandro. My brothers started calling me that so when I joined this forum (and others) it seemed like a good forum name. When I started making axle sliders I really had no intentions on making a business out of it and they just became known as "50dro Axle Sliders". Once I decided to take it on as a business the name had some following and I thought it had a decent sound to it for a business name. I later added the "-" to encourage people to pronounce it as I had envisioned it (phonetically "five oh dro." )

The rest is history! [cool]
I knew the 5.0 part but not the DRO Yo! Learn something new every day.

I want a personalized plate and thought maybe my bikes name when she gets one... although... a girls name on my plate? Yea... not so much.

I never got around to getting one for my STI before I sold it. I wanted to get "Zzzzz". Cuz it was a sleeper. ;)

I will say it again... clean friggin pony DRO!
Thanks NwRider! I'm just a little bit Italian! LOL

I hear ya on the plate. I've always wanted to get one but could never come up with something clever enough. This one was obviously available and made sense to me :)
Damm i thought you were coing out with a new product.

Like tuber sliders... cough cough. Black for me please.

Edit: Oh yea... spooled front and rear. Thanks!
Like tuber sliders... cough cough. Black for me please.

Ehh...I wish there was more demand for tuber stuff but I've barely gotten any requests for anything for them unfortunately. It would cost me more money than I could potentially make offering them [sad]

"frame sliders" would be awesome for an 08 1125r

I've considered these types of products but I'm not comfortable with the potential of snapping off motor mounts etc in a fall...

I guess this is going to turn into another "what people want" thread huh? :D Thanks for the ideas guys! We'll see what the future holds...

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