NEED: 05 Firebolt XB12R Kickstand Spring Extender

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May 13, 2013
Apologies for posting this twice... :(

Desperate times; desperate measures:

So I'm one of those lucky folk who had the kickstand bolt break in half... Yay. Ordered the replacement, but it seems I lost the stock spring extender along the way. So now I have a kickstand that requires zip ties to stay up. Yay. (Again.) Doing a weekend ride starting Friday AM, so I was hoping beyond hope someone in the DMV area might have one for an 05 Firebolt XB12R that they could give/sell me that I could pick up tomorrow or know where one could be had that can be picked up tomorrow. Any help is appreciated. Shoot me a text at sevenzerothree 6two8 twosix2one if anyone has any ideas. Thanks much.
Well, I managed to make a temporary substitute that seems to be holding up well enough, but I don't expect that to last. Since it seems possible/likely I won't be able to find one easily, could someone:

1) help me with the part number so I can put an order in with the magical Harley warehouse in Siberia.

2) provide detailed dimensions of the part so I can get someone with a machine shop to make me a replacement.

Much appreciated. :)