Ok so as alot of you know my brand new bike is breaking. Ive been told it could be a loose stator nut or a bad clutch bearing. I looking at making the best choice to get my bike repaired the cheapest and fastest way possible.
HD can only get me in the 17th THEN have to order the parts, and knowing HD ill be without my bike for a month or so.
Option 1.)
HD can fix it for 400 to 500$.
Cost alot,
have to wait over a month to have my bike,
cant trust HD
Someone to blame if its ****** up,
Suppose to be professional work
Option 2.)
Me and my friends tear down the engine ourselves and do the work ourselves.
Don't know what tools we need or how to get them,
service manual doesnt cover clutch bearing,
getting the parts as well
Get the work done faster
can go over everything inside the bike
wont cost as much
can also install new spark plugs for free
good learning experience
Option 3.)
sell it and buy another XB
Option 4.)
sell it and buy a 1125R
Option 5.)
Sell it and try to buy another CR
Any ideas would be awesome. I hate not being able to run my bike that i have and idk how often im going to have to work on the CR. Did you know you have to do a engine rotation JUST to change the spark plugs!? Im just worried i wont be able to do my own work on this bike/itll cost alot to work on/ itll break on me alot.
HD can only get me in the 17th THEN have to order the parts, and knowing HD ill be without my bike for a month or so.
Option 1.)
HD can fix it for 400 to 500$.
Cost alot,
have to wait over a month to have my bike,
cant trust HD
Someone to blame if its ****** up,
Suppose to be professional work
Option 2.)
Me and my friends tear down the engine ourselves and do the work ourselves.
Don't know what tools we need or how to get them,
service manual doesnt cover clutch bearing,
getting the parts as well
Get the work done faster
can go over everything inside the bike
wont cost as much
can also install new spark plugs for free
good learning experience
Option 3.)
sell it and buy another XB
Option 4.)
sell it and buy a 1125R
Option 5.)
Sell it and try to buy another CR
Any ideas would be awesome. I hate not being able to run my bike that i have and idk how often im going to have to work on the CR. Did you know you have to do a engine rotation JUST to change the spark plugs!? Im just worried i wont be able to do my own work on this bike/itll cost alot to work on/ itll break on me alot.