Need brainstorming help (repairs)

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
Ok so as alot of you know my brand new bike is breaking. Ive been told it could be a loose stator nut or a bad clutch bearing. I looking at making the best choice to get my bike repaired the cheapest and fastest way possible.

HD can only get me in the 17th THEN have to order the parts, and knowing HD ill be without my bike for a month or so.

Option 1.)
HD can fix it for 400 to 500$.

Cost alot,
have to wait over a month to have my bike,
cant trust HD

Someone to blame if its ****** up,
Suppose to be professional work

Option 2.)
Me and my friends tear down the engine ourselves and do the work ourselves.

Don't know what tools we need or how to get them,
service manual doesnt cover clutch bearing,
getting the parts as well

Get the work done faster
can go over everything inside the bike
wont cost as much
can also install new spark plugs for free
good learning experience

Option 3.)
sell it and buy another XB

Option 4.)
sell it and buy a 1125R

Option 5.)
Sell it and try to buy another CR

Any ideas would be awesome. I hate not being able to run my bike that i have and idk how often im going to have to work on the CR. Did you know you have to do a engine rotation JUST to change the spark plugs!? Im just worried i wont be able to do my own work on this bike/itll cost alot to work on/ itll break on me alot.

Just curious, did the guy you bought it froyo or disclose any issues? Or did you not hear it when you bought it?
What exactly is breaking on the bike? Sorry haven't read any of your other posts. If you're not sure what needs to be repaired I would leave it up to a professional to do.
High Performance Equipment...I am my own warranty station

Say it, love it, do it! I have a hard time trusting any of my vehicles at a place where someone else has to work on it. Yea you can point the finger if it ***** up again, but your still at a huge inconvenience if it has to go back.

If Its that difficult to change the plugs or other regular maintenance... then mby going back to an xb would make more sense to me.
Yeah I think im going to end up trying to go option #2.

New things that i realized is that i have to register it to sell it, which means i have to use my tax affidavit to avoid paying sales tax which then means i have to pay it on my next bike. That would be over 700$ alone.

RuiP- The bike is making a rattle with the clutch. here is a video of the problem.

netty- i inquired about it to him and he told me its always been like that and ive never seen a 1125 run or had a bike with a hydrulic clutch so i didnt know if it was bad or good. And still dont!

Ok guys, so if i go with option 2, where do i get the parts, and where do i get the tools?
I dont think the service manual says anything about a clutch bearing at all.

ALso i will try to make a better video tomorrow for everyone to hear.
Wow, that is a nice bike, but I do hear the rattle. I'm surprised nobody else on the forum knows what it is or has encountered the same thing.

If it were my bike I would do as much research as possible on the issue. If I can find enough good information and feel confident enough to fix it then that's the route I'd take. If I couldn't then I would look for a good transmission mechanic to take a look at it and give me a quote.

If both ideas don't apppeal to you, and you would rather sell it than deal with the rattle, then go for it. I'm sure you could find a buyer.
Does the clutch feel any different? More slippage, less slippage, rough engagement etc... Do all 1125's sound like this at idle?
You should be able to get the parts from HD or even online at a surely like all you need is the part numbers from the parts manual or a Buell dealer may be able to help you with the numbers. It sounds like the clutch plates could have shattered or something in the clutch is loose, I would take the clutch cover off and inspect it and then go from there.
Here's an interesting post on Badweb-clutch noise

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