here are the connectors you need. I happen to work in a shop that has these on the shelf, so i didnt need to pay for them. just solder and heat shrink and i was done. this part was straight forwarward.
the lights themselves. to mount properly the way they were designed you need to make a new bracket to mount as designed. They are ment to sit behind the bracket and they come with springs that sandwitch them in.
I didnt do this, I mounted mine directly to the bracket. the low beam mount holes are just a bit off from the originals so i drilled new holes and nut and bolted them. the high beam holes were exactly the same as the stockers, so the screws supplied worked fine for those. A dremmel was used to trim a bit of plastic here to let them sit flush.
Here is the thing with the supplied screws, ther are self tappers so the holes in the lights need to be drilled bigger so the screws can pass right through.
for the low beam with the offset holes, your drilling into the flat part of the plastic housing so there was not enough plastic to just use the supplied screws, i used 2" screws with flat washers and nuts. That looked strong enough for me.
All in all not hard at all, and as an electritian I would imagine you have had to solve more than a few mounting problems with a variety of home lighting so i think you will be more than qualified to figure things out. You just need to decide if you wish to make a new bracket to mount as designed, or make the stock one work.
Do yourself a favor and take it for a ride around the neighborhood at night before you put the nose back on to ensure the low beam is pointed high enough. I didnt do this and now i must remove mine again to aim the light.
I have been meaning to take some pic's and post them.... maybe tomorow