need help... ground location and tps trouble.

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Jul 1, 2014
ok so a little back story before I get to my issue. bought the bike (2007 xb12s) about 3 weeks ago. bike had been sitting and not really ridden much so with in an hour of me being on the bike I had to replace the batt No big deal. I rode the bike the whole week to and from work and 3 nights that week went for an evening ride. on Friday(bought it on a mon) the bike started running really bad..... like wouldn't start without me giving it gas and wouldn't stay running with out me holding the throttle open and then just like it started it went away and started running fine again. that weekend I did a very heavy cleaning and a small tune up on it ( plugs, oil, filter and cleaned the grounds under the seat). spent about two days doing this and on sun night I took it out for a ride. I had forgotten to plug the plug in that's under the air cleaner(think its air temp sensor but might be wrong) and it threw up a check engine light. plugged that back in and nothing changed in check engine light. it then became very hard to start. when I first got it it would start on first crank now it was taking 4-6 and I would have to play with the throttle to get it to start. took it up to the gas station and when I came out wouldn't start at all ( had to push it home) and it hasn't started since.

so I go get a cable to check codes and it is giving me the tps to low/ short to ground code. I have been messing with this for two weeks now and I'm about to set the thing on fire and let it burn to the ground( this is was my only mode of transportation). I have since replaced the tps and have even gotten a new ecm with no luck. I have pulled apart connectors and for the most part gone through the whole wire harness and could find one single problem that would lead to this.

I'm in desperate need of help. where are all the grounds located on this bike and what do they go to from ground? I read somewhere that there is a ground behind the front light....... which I DO NOT have. I see where it is suppose to go but nothing there and I can't find where it was or is? does anyone know this ground and what it goes to? I added a ground from the coil to the batt and after doing that I started to get a code cooling fan ground. does anyone know where that ground is at? does anyone have any tips for me or something to look at that I might have over looked. I'm desperate at this point, this is the most money I've ever spent on a bike and it's been in the shop longer than I've had it on the road.

oh and one other thing when I plug in my cable and talking to the computer after say about 3-4 min with the key on and the kill switch on the bike will begin to priming itself every sec....... like when you first turn it on the fuel pump will prime it starts doing this every sec after key and kill switch is turned on for more than 4 min......... is that normal and while its doing this I seem to lose communication with the bike. I'm at my end and I am seriously close to burning it to the ground and hope my insurance company pays me out.... because I cant sell a bike that doesn't run and get my moneys back. I really liked the bike when it ran actually loved it but I can't have it down for much longer. I need something to drive that's not going to break down every two days.

Thanks in advance for the help and if anyone lives near me ( Wilmington NC) and could or would come take a look I would gladly pay you for your time. Thanks again.
Don't set fire to it yet. Read through your symptoms several times. I know you have checked the connections already, but I would guess you do have a ground issue: either poor ground(s), or a difference in ground potential/ground loop somewhere. The deal with adding the coil ground was peculiar.

Do you own a service manual? Therein is a complete wiring diagram and also some diagnostic procedures, such as measuring resistance to ground for several circuits. For example, is the resistance between ECM pin 2 (connector 11) to chassis ground greater than 1 Mega ohm? If not, check or a short to ground on the v/y colored TPS wire.

Looks like the main harness ground is under the seat on the left side. And there are several ground terminals, also under the seat, on the right side.
oh and one other thing when I plug in my cable and talking to the computer after say about 3-4 min with the key on and the kill switch on the bike will begin to priming itself every sec
This is not normal pump behavior, and it is also not normal to lose communication with the bike!
Hopefully those issue will go away if you do have and resolve a ground issue.
I'm thinking it's ground issues as well but I've checked and cleaned them twice........... does anyone know if I should have a ground behind the headlight?
Supposedly there is a ground terminal on the front of the steering head, but I don't see it on the wiring diagram.

You could even have wires that are exposed and rubbing together. And, if your bike was stored during winters before you got it, mice seem to love motorcycles and the taste of wire insulation. Just throwing out ideas.
You could even have wires that are exposed and rubbing together. And, if your bike was stored during winters before you got it, mice seem to love motorcycles and the taste of wire insulation. Just throwing out ideas.

I've pulled almost the whole wire harness apart and can't find any exposed wires or anything that looks bad or worn. I've even pulled apart most of the connectors and still nothing..... all looks good.

that's why I've come here I'm hoping someone will give me something to check that I haven't yet.

Oh and does anyone know were the fan ground is located?

thanks again for the help people!

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I'm sure others will reply.

Do you have that ground on the steering column?

OK, have you tried the "wiggle" test? If you can get the engine to a stable idle: then wiggle, shake, and/or bend the wiring harness at various places and connections (including the ECM) to see if anything happens: a change in idle, engine dies, CEL comes on, etc.
no I do not have the ground at the steering this is what I keep asking about that yet no one has replied. I'm at a complete loss at this point I have checked every wire cable ground and I do not know what else to do II am very very closed to setting this thing on fire. I'm at a total loss at this point.I really really need help
I replied, and answered several questions that you had very specifically. Also suggested several things to try. It's a holiday. Sorry.
no need to be sorry its just the one question I still have to be answered is is there supposed to be around to the front? I'm just at my wits end I've been working on this thing for 2 weeks I've replaced the TPS the ECM I have stripped all the casein and installation of my wire harness so I can take a look at it I cannot find a bad wire or short. I don't know what else to do besides burn the thing or make it come up stolen
I have a ground in the front behind the headlight! Mine is a XB12Ss from 2009 so maybe my harness is different!?!
well as of now the only thing else I can figure to do was pull the entire wire harness and go through the whole thing

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