Hello Guys/Girls!
my name is Ben, I'm in the U.S Army, and have been riding for a little over a year. my first bike was a Kawi Ninja 250, then i upgraded to a CBR 600, and Finnaly found the 2003 Buell XB9R Firebolt! Love the sound of a buell and the raw power.
Just saying Hi!
p.s My Low Beam no longer works, Any direct replacement HID Kits that doesn't require any mods for the xb9r?
My CBR 600 and My Buell (Sold the CBR however)
lil 250, hey dont hate i wanted to learn and not kill myself lol
my name is Ben, I'm in the U.S Army, and have been riding for a little over a year. my first bike was a Kawi Ninja 250, then i upgraded to a CBR 600, and Finnaly found the 2003 Buell XB9R Firebolt! Love the sound of a buell and the raw power.
Just saying Hi!
p.s My Low Beam no longer works, Any direct replacement HID Kits that doesn't require any mods for the xb9r?


My CBR 600 and My Buell (Sold the CBR however)

lil 250, hey dont hate i wanted to learn and not kill myself lol