New ride: excellent in the wet!

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
Well, I am putting the finishing touches on my new ride while the Buell is in the shop (again). It's a wooden surfboard, made in my garage. Now, I am no wood-worker, and much less a perfectionist so be easy on the comments. I am only posting because I burned some Buell pegasi (plural of pegasus=pegasi?) into the tail for a bit of flair.

Hope y'all enjoy!

Still in the gluing rack:

Before cutting the shape (post gluing):

After cutting the shape, with just a bit of planing:

A bit more planing:

Finished planing, final shape attained!

After sanding and burning the Buell logos w/ my signature:

Closeup of one of the Buell logos:

Just a few coats of teak oil to seal it up, and I'll be done (note buell logos on tail):

Now I just need to figure out how to attach the damn thing to the bike.

Oh, that and learn to surf.
sweet hobby man! I wish i lived by an area where i could learn to surf haha.
Having taken wood working in high school and having no knowledge of surfing I say looks pretty good overall
I'm impressed with your wood work, looks nice .[up]
What's up with the crutches in the background? Is that from learning to surf or the motorcycle?:D
Looks great. I'd love to surf but I'm not too crazy about the idea of sharks! Does it need some fins on the bottom so it goes straight??
Thanks for the comments folks. I am honestly surprised at how well it turned out myself.

The crutches are from when I fractured my pelvis (5 times, all non-displaced) last july. It was a zip lining incident: the line came down, and me with it. They also found a brain tumor when they were taking pictures of my insides... lucky I suppose.

Suffice it to say that I was off the bike for a month for the pelvis (dont tell my orthpedist-he recommended two months), another month or so after the brain surgery, and now the damn bike is crapping out on me again. But I kept busy I suppose.

[edit] I'm not so scared of sharks. Statistically speaking, I think I am more likely to drown in the ocean than be bit by a shark. (I am in Oregon, FWIW)
[edit] I'm not so scared of sharks. Statistically speaking, I think I am more likely to drown in the ocean than be bit by a shark. (I am in Oregon, FWIW)

I'd much rather drown 5 times before I got bitten by a shark once. They would have to be some pretty stacked odds for it to look good to me.
I'd much rather just stay out of large bodies of water and hopefully avoid drowning or being shark bait all at once

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