New rider interested in buying a XB 12Ss, but few things worry me!

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May 22, 2019
As the title tries to inform, I'm interested in buying a 2010 Buell XB 12Ss, known as the "Lightning Long" if I'm correct. I've owned 10 different bikes previously (V-Max, GSX-R, you name it.) The bike I'm looking at looks great, and has 34,000 kilometers on the clock. I am just slightly scared about a few things I read on the internet. While I know the internet is not always reliable, I also know this is a forum for the fans of Buell bikes. Please be as brutally honest as possible! My concerns are:

-I've read that finding parts would be difficult. I'm based in Finland, and it worries me that if my bike breaks down, I cannot find parts to get it fixed. Is this the case?
-I've also read that Buell's wouldn't be reliable. This is a later model from 2010. True/false?
-Is 34tkm a lot for a bike like this, how long do they generally last, and is there something to start watching out for at this mileage? The bike seems clean on the outside and it has been adjusted and dyno'd, documentation provided. But the rest I really can't but guess as I don't know these bikes.

The vibration and other quirks don't worry me. Only the stuff above. Thanks for your possible replies.
That's a tad over 21000 miles, just about broken in. While there are things to lookout for, they are very reliable once you know how to take care of them properly. For instance always make sure your grounds are really clean and coated with some type of anti-corrosive, I would do them once a year just before the season starts, same goes for the fuses and always carry spares of them and the relay contacts. If you make a lot of short trips around town make sure to put it on a battery tender. Always change the wheel bearings when you change tires. I have found that most of the problems people have are self inflicted, like, putting too much oil in the bike or, not cleaning the grounds, not taking care of their battery or, blipping the throttle ( they really don't like that ), screwing around with the electrical system when they don't know what they are doing, the list goes on but, unreliable, I disagree.
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Welcome to the forum and congrats on looking to buy a sweet bike!

Parts are readily available here in the USA, Probably more expensive where you are, but available.
Check out TWIN motorcycles in the Netherlands:)

They are VERY reliable bikes with an ages old engine architecture combined with solid state electronics, and take minimal maintenance as well. Probably why they are so dependable! Haha

That mileage is very young for a Buell, you'll be fine. Just check it out as you would any other bike, and enjoy that smile!

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