New to this BuellXB Forum. Hi from a Bueller in Oz.

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2015
Victoria, Australia
Gidday guys!
Just want to introduce myself.
My name is Peter. I live in Victoria which is in SE Australia - we are approx 100 miles north of Melbourne. I work as a spa service technician.
Only really got got into bikes about 6 years ago. Have bought several bikes since then, before eventually discovering these amazing machines called Buells. Have had a smile on my dial since. My first buell - an XB12SS and about 15 months later my second Buell - 1125CR. The 2009 SS was fairly stock other than Jardine(sounds nice) Pazzo Levers (must say I do like them). The 2008 1125CR is pretty much stock, other than the add-ons that I'm chasing right now - Barker pipe & Barker ECM as well as a high bar kit. Took some shots later today, not much backdrop scenery here, so laid and taped some silver grey plastic sheets under and behind to allow view of bikes without the unsightly distractions. See pics below.
I have recently signed up with the forum (a newby) after doing much reading over many months. This forum is probably one of the main factors that "Buell hooked" me about 18 months ago. Thanks for your posts, i have really enjoyed reading your stuff and now know a bit more about Buells than the vacuum I started with.
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Welcome aboard Pete! I love the CR! Great looking machine. I own a 2007 xb12r. Took it off the showroom floor during the fall of 2007 and have loved, and sometimes hated, every minute of ownership!
I was a lurker on this site for a long time before I joined. I had been a part of buellitenboard and badweb before this but those forums seem to have too many members that take themselves entirely too seriously! Anyway your in great company here!
Welcome to the forum, nice set of bikes you have there. I love hearing about Buells across the pond. Hope to see more pics with some Australia in the background. That is one beautiful place.
Haha same here^^^

Wow, lots of new international people lately?

Lot's of good advise here and friendly people too, welcome to the forum!

Edit: I have no idea on the shipping to Oz... but I have a Barkers, and matching ECM for your CR (I recently went stock with mine). There's also lots of goodies in our 'for sale' section. PM me if you're interested.
Thank you for the warm welcome guys; much appreciated!

Cooter, I saw your post about your Barker exhaust and the elf pounding that our grey matter can sustain! Haha. So true! Especially for we old dudes! Thanks for letting me know that your looking at parting with your Barker system. But I have a new system on order - it's being put together at present, yet to dispatch from US to Oz (thanks Puzzled). I love to hear how a bike can and perhaps should really sound, as with Barker and other aftermarket systems. So here I am investing $ in an elf brain pounding. May regret it? Not sure! But I have also invested in a set of three QuietCores so that I can tinker and hopefully set it up to suit my failing ear drums! Haha. So we'll see how it all goes over time and tinkering.

BambamXB12r, I will try to put up some shots with some interesting Aussie background as the opportunity arises. Hopefully with kangaroos, wombats and maybe even some dropbears if I can! Haha. But seriously, I'll work on that!

Chicknstripn, there was a young guy living locally here for a little while before he moved up to Darwin with his fairly late model XB12R (black with touch of red). Had roughly 20,000km on the clock. I couldn't believe how immaculate he kept it - no bugs, no scratches, no stone pits. Wow! Beautiful bike! My CR is same colour combo as his Firebolt was. I must though, Buells are pretty easy to wash and keep respectable, or I'm finding that so far!
Actually the Barkers with the quiet insert wasn't that bad.

The amazing Keda (that I wanted for so long) was just a bit much for me. I don't want to knock an awesome pipe, and it does sound the best by FAR!:up: But Ozzy, Lemmy, and Henry Rollins have all beaten up my poor ear drums:(
Welcome, Pete! Nice matching set of Buells! :up: I'd love to visit Australia someday...on my bucket list. I joined Buellers Downunder a while ago but haven't been keeping up with it. I should head over there more often and see what kind of Buell conversations are going on in your part of the world. :D

Chicknstripn, I'm looking forward to seeing some shots of your Firebolt. I guess you have posted some? What colour combo is it? What add-ons and trick ups have you done? Or do you prefer a clean stock xb12r? I've not had the luxury of buying any "brand spankers" bikes - all have been pre-depreciated! Haha. Although the two Buells that I've bought were very low kms (here in Oz it's all metric - so we have to say kilometers rather than miles). The 2009 XB12SS had 10,000km on the odo when I bought it about 18 months ago, wheres the 2008 1125CR only had 4000km on the clock. Both in beautiful nick - just run in! Yes, I guess I've on just stepped out of Lurker-Land. Thanks for the welcome! I hope I can contribute something of interest and ask some curly questions of the Forum contributors! All of you forum guys possess a wealth of collective Buell knowledge and experience!! It's nice and very humbling to be able to step on board.
submax James, Thanks for the welcome mate! I'm very lucky to have two nice Buells sitting here available for when the spirit & soul need a recharge! I might have to sell some of the other bikes and buy more Buells. My mrs says that the right number of bikes to own is the number you have plus one! How can I argue with that! She owns five (I think) just now.
My mrs rides too. But she's only a little pip-squeak, measuring "squirt foot three", but she really appreciates the v-twin roar of a beast like a duc or a buell as her own ride. She's keen to have a Buell of her own, but lack of height and strength are a serious issue for her. So an XB12SCG is probably the only option.... but the SCG's were never sold here in Australia.... bugger!! So we may have to put scooter wheels on an XB9S and replace the motor with pedals - to be viable?? Seriously though, small people (especially women) must have so much trouble addressing that issue when they are hot for a Buell when no shorties are available.
Cooter, at an appropriate time, I may start a thread on the Barker system (with IDS Barker ECM) and three different Quiet Core options and how the three cores vary in effectiveness of db dampening. I don't have any of it as yet. All on order. Would be handy to have a db meter. Hmmm. Might be stretching the wallet, but would be very interesting to have a db meter for testing and reporting back! I wonder if anyone else has played with the different optional Barker Quiet Cores? Would appreciate any feedback.

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