New Voltage Gauge!!!

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2011
Bought this little guy on ebay for about 3 bucks. It was waterproof when I got it, so I sprayed it with plastidip and it came it pretty good I think. Not much is going on around here because of hurricane Isaac so a I figured I would roll the bike in the dining room and wire this thing up. Lemme know what you guys think.


Correction, wasnt waterproof when I got it. Cant edit my post because of the retard banners on the right side.
As long as you like it and it works that is all that matters. Is that the Volts reading at Idle? might want to check Volts output at your Battery Terminals to be sure. Looks good and easy to locate and SEE in the Sunshine and the Dark. make sure to keep it from Bouncing around while riding. Ride Safe. *Jimi
You should take the gauge cluster assembly apart and see if you can mount it in there. I think you might be able to put it in the area just to the right of the reset button. (Look at your photo) It would look pretty trick with the red display illuminating from inside the dash. It would kinda look factory, but be a totally custom mod. Hell, I might go ahead and do this myself!
Im glad you said something about the banners on the right side..I thought It was just me lol. do you have the ebay link???
its waterproof now, and I thought about putting it in the gauge cluster but the voltage meter is about a half inch thick, so it probably wouldnt go in there without cutting something. Also, thats not my idle voltage, thats my standing voltage after sitting for a week and starting it to get it in the house. Thanks for the comments guys.
And if someone had a cheap junk cluster they would sell me, I would see about putting a low cost kit together with instructions on how to mount it internally.
Nice, I agree it would look great behind the dummy gauge panel.

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