Newbie Electrical Problem

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Apr 24, 2023
Hi - I am relatively new to Buell ownership, but not new to motorcycle maintenance. I have an annoying problem with my XB12SS.

I have had the bike on an Optimate over the winter (new good quality correct CCA battery last winter). Its been a pain to start today. I think I have a problem relay, as I wasn't getting a click at the starter relay, until I shuffled them around and used some contact cleaner on the pins. Eventually got the starter to work and the engine to fire up. I left it ticking over until warm, shut it down, allowed it to cool for about an hour, then started it up again no problem. When the engine was being turned by the starter it was good, rapid & strong.

I then rolled it down my drive and hit the starter which threw the starter cog out then stopped, this happened again & again. After some swearing and jabbing at the starter the engine fired up. I rode half way to the garage to get my annual test & en-route (1 mile down the road) the electrics completely died on me. I tried to bump start it, but it wasn't doing anything & coasted to a stop.

Now when I turn the ignition, the neutral light comes on but the yellow engine light blinks on an off continuously (no pattern) and keeps priming the fuel again & again - it sounds light windscreen wipers on a car. It just won't start:

I think its obviously an electrical issue, I don't think its the battery, I know my relays are suspect but has anyone else experienced similar problems?

Could it be the side stand cut out or the tilt sensor acting up?
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Check your battery terminals for corrosion and tightness, these paint shakers loosen them all the time. Check BOTH ends of each of the cables, you should also remove the airbox floor and do the same for the chassis to engine ground strap. Check the terminals at the back of the yellow starter button as well. They corrode, so hit them with a good electronic cleaner spray or lightly sand them with a tiny file.

The one strange anomaly you stated is it dieing while running. Removing the battery from a running Buell, and it will still stay running unless the charging system is compromised, but that wouldn't show in 1 mile. Odd.

I would also load-test the battery. It could cause exactly what you describe. Leaving a Tender thing on it 100% of the time can burn them out.

Not very likely it's the side stand or BAS.
Thanks Cooter - I have peeled back the sleeve on the positive terminal cable and it is loose where it is crimped to the tab.
Looks like along with the the thick positive cable, there are 2 smaller red wires with yellow stripes crimped into the battery tab. One of these red & yellow smaller cables is completely detached, the other is hanging on by a couple of threads. I am borrowing a heavy duty crimping tool and some new tabs to try and make the connection good again. I have removed the 30a main fuse to reset the ecu overnight. fingers crossed that's my only problem!

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And this:
1-There is NO side-stand interlock safety switch on any USA SS model. 2003 XB's only and later model EURO only.
2-You are receiving a flashing CEL from your ECM because of massive voltage fluctuations at the battery.
3-There is NO such thing as an ECM "reset" from disconnecting battery cables.
4-Your positive battery cable is clearly the culprit here. Check and repair both ends where necessary or replace.
5-If you believe 1 or more of your relays are "suspect"....then replace as required.
HD part # 31522-00
NAPA V11214
DURALAST # 19389
Thanks Barrett

I have repaired & made good all the damage at the battery terminal, but was still getting the flashing CEL as before.

However, I swapped around the relays (my new ones haven't turned up yet & they are on back order until late Sept with HD) & managed to get back to a solid CEL that goes out after about half a second, as I would expect, but when I hit the starter button I just get a click at the relays but no starter motor response.

I have also replaced all the fuses in the fuse box with brand new (just in case).

I believe the repeated flashing of the CEL must be down to a faulty relay (I can replicate the problem by moving the relays back to the previous position). Thanks for the relay alternatives - that will come in handy.

I am still scratching my head!!

The new uprated relays are arriving tomorrow. Hopefully I may have a running bike then.
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4 new BOSCH relays fitted and the XB12SS started up straight away. Test ride reveals all problems appear to have been resolved.

I love it when you problem solve and (with a little help here & there) manage to fix your bike (without having to resort to expensive mechanic bills) :D priceless!
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Well done and Cooter nailed it right out of the box as battery cable culprit. In all likelihood you'll have FC #16 stored from all this CEL activity. It will be wiped from the ECM memory after 50 "clean" run cycles.

You have 3 relays located in your fuse box. They are ACC....KEY SWITCH...START....AUXILARY(on later models). They are identical. As these Buells continue to age it's a great idea to place a spare relay and several assorted mini-blade fuses in a very small plastic bag and secure it somewhere in the vicinity of your battery box for potential roadside repair.

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