Non Squid guys, where to put gear?

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I think most nonmilitary don't understand. For you folks, it is a requirement for use to wear gear. We wont be let on post without helmet, full finger gloves, pants, long sleeves, over the angle boots, and a reflective outer garment, IE, a safety vest. Also, military life insurance will not pay if we crash off post and are not wearing everything.
I guess I didn't understand what you were saying. I thought you were trying to make a thread locked to military riders only. Sorry for the misunderstanding. [confused]
We've had a few discussions about this on my local riding board.

The problem is alot of young kids coming home from their first tour over in the sand box, they still got that "I survived!" Mentality. The last thing on their mind coming home to die on a motorcycle. And what do ALOT pick up for a first bike? R1, CBR 1K, GSXR 1K, you know where im going with this. Liter bikes are not beginner bikes and thats what alot are choosing to buy with that fatty signing bonus. I wouldnt even recommend a 600cc I4 as a starter bike, too unforgiving.

Anywho, I digress. If your in a decent part of town your most likely safe leaving your gear on your bike.
It is a bit of a culture shock getting out of the army as far as riding gear goes. When I was in Killeen Tx every one wore it and all the shops sold plenty of it on the shelves. I got back home to Lake Charles La. and no one wears it and none of the moto shops keep much in stock.
If I'm going somewhere that I'm going to be in stores, it's likely that I'll have a bookbag, and in that case even though it's more bulky I usually leave my jacket on and carry my helmet. I notices you get a lot more attention from people who work in stores when you wear a bookbag, it's one of the first things that security notices and having a helmet in my hand will usually let them back off because they'll realize I have a reason for the bookbag, and that I'm not there just to steal stuff. Otherwise I usually just wear my jacket, it's not all that flashy, and I'll lock my helmet to the bike and leave my gloves inside of it. I also bought a super cheap mx helmet that's nice for wearing around town. I can leave it on the handlebar when I want to run in the store with the idea being that if it gets stolen, I'm really not going to care and I'll only have a 5-10 minute ride home so I can keep it under 30mph and most likely make it home alive.
who gives Crap what other people think about you, and what you are wearing. HELL we ride buells because we dont
care what others think, and we choose to stand out

Wear my jacket unzipped and carry my helmet and gloves inside
thats what I do too...

the idea of the cable and lock is a good one, the thing with thieves is if they want your stuff, they will find a way to steal it, if my gear is with me, best of luck to someone trying to jack me for my stuff (I am sure we all have a 'look' that warns others that we are not to be messed with, you know the look/aura that you exude that makes people give you a wide bearth....)

when I go to town I keep BamBam parked where he can not be picked up, knocked over or just messed with and I prefer line of sight when I'm off him unless I'm in a mall or something...
Xtremelow thanks for the edit.

Guys glad we got this thread turned around lotta good idea.

I prefer line of sight when I'm off him
It is nice to know I am not the only one w/ a problem!
It depends where I go. If I go to work I leave the helmet and gloves on the bike and take the jacket in and hang it up. If I go to a small business in a nice area I do the same except wear or carry the jacket. If I am at wal-mart or somewhere similar I take it all in so no one will touch it. Just whatever makes you feel comfortable. Plus if I carry a helmet it excuses my hair being matted down.

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