Oil puking... *sigh*

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Jun 17, 2013
I recently changed my primary drive oil after purchasing my 2000 X1. Yesterday after getting home from work I saw that my engine had leaked oil and it was all over my rear tire. I couldn't really see a place it was coming from and my breather looked normal. So on the way to work this morning I could see more oil leaking. By the time I got to work it was puking pretty bad.


It looks like it's coming from the gasket that's on the right side of the transmission with the DDFI plate on it. Anyone seen something like this? My best guess is that the gasket is shot and the new oil is escaping from there. It looks pretty simple to replace. Advice is appreciated.
You're referring to the plug right in the middle of the cylinders in the first picture? What exactly is that for? Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out.
it's so you can inspect the crank. when you do your cam timing it let's you see the timing marks
Thanks for the info wolfo68. I checked the bike again at lunch and I'm sure it's the gasket. It's begun to creep up out of the case and when I felt it, it crumbled like a wet cracker. I'm looking through my service manual for what it's called but so far no luck.
Bottom gaskets on your rod covers maybe? I wouldn't think it would be coming out of your cam cover gasket.