Big step forward
Hi Buellers,
last Saturday I received my Buelltooth from the States.
Probably more or less like a monkey, but I have been able to do some data loggings with ECMdroid, transfer them to MegaLogViewer and even trying to read the EEPROM with TunerPro.
In the last case in not sure at all what I was seeing, but in general I feel a bit less overwhelmed especially because I started to understand some of the values we can see in MLV readings.
As you can imagine a really big batch of questions aroused, but I will try to solve myself most of them, one, to try to not iper-annoying you, two, because at the moment many of them would be nonsense questions.
Anyway here are a couple more:
Reading TPS log in MLV with the bike stopped after a ride and engine idling (untouched throttle) I saw TPS voltage not steady as I was expecting but constantly fluctuating between 0.420 and 0.445. (RPM ranging 975-1198, IAC Pos 55-66, CLT (C°) 185-191).
Similar TPS movement can be seen live in ECMdroid, but in degrees.
Is that normal, do the 'good vibrations', or there is maybe something wrong?
I think I may expect also to get tighter RPM idling range on a well working bikes; am I right?