I've done it myself. I'll try to remember everything I've done to it and how.
I removed the stock airbox cover top piece and cut the inner circular top portion of it off. Then I went to home depot and purchased some sheet metal (approx. $7) and cut an metal extended lip with a dremel for the plastic circular top portion of the airbox cover just to make sure the airbox mod would never collapse due to the heavy amounts of air suction. Lastly you'll want to cut away 2 holes in the top piece for the (2) hex screws to firmly hold both top and bottom pieces together.
I also bought (2) 4 inch hex screws, (2) matching nuts, (2) small washers, and (2) large washers from home depot as well (no more than $3-6).
I purchased a K&N filter from ebay for $47
Now for the SIMPLE part.
Before re-attaching everything. I did a breather re-route while I had everything taken off the bike. See "
Breather Re-Route Mods".
After that, I re-attached everything with the new K&N filter in place between the top portion (which is the circular black plastic cutout) and the untouched base/floor of the original airbox with the (2) 4 inch hex bolts, (2) nuts, (2) small washers, and (2) large washers (1 large washer at the base and 1 small washer at the top per hex screw/nut setup) to lock the airbox mod together for an air tight fit.
Easy mod, hopefully this helps. Definately can hear and feel the difference
If I left anything out, everyone please add and or correct me. thanks