Operation: Jupiter Rising

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2014
First off I would like to make a shout out to Enemy_Zero. I got to learn a great deal about my bike from him. So thank you man, I truly appreciate everything did for me and thank you to your dad for letting me swap out the silver wheels for the black wheels. I owe you big time.

Here's a list of what we did yesterday:
1. Changed the Oil (was a lot easier than I expected)
2. Swapped the race pipe for the Jardine.
3. Swapped wheels
4. Tuned the suspension

What's next:
1: Replace the tensioner (it's shot)
2. Replace the belt
3. Replace front brake pads
4. (This one is a while down the road) Get a translucent air box and new plastics.

She needs a lot of love but she is getting there after being neglected for so long. And yes I did name the bike Jupiter.

Glad I could help. Its coming along most definitely. We will reverse the ills of the previous owners abuse as best as we can.
If those are wire nuts hanging from the front fairing, I'd make that #4....or #2.
you should look into getting a uly comfort right side scoop, especially since your in vegas. and id check out some 5-0 dro products to protect her in case of a spill.
That was my first recommendation to him. RSS is a must here in Vegas. I keep warning him to get ready for that heat from the frame on a 120 degree day. Bike is most definitely coming along though and I think within a few months of getting it up on maintenance, this bike is going to be a gem.
when I rode through vegas last year on my way to cali I remember how hot it was. it was july 31st. I remember thanking myself over and over for getting the gripster frame grips. my knees were not burning anymore lol
Its definitely rough in the summertime. Luckily this bike is nowhere near as hot as the 1125 I rode before. My inner thigh and right foot would catch on fire in the summer time on that thing.
Yep I'll be investing in an RSS and gripsters pretty soon. Gonna see if I can save the plastics this weekend with some wet sanding to get the flames off and a good polishing.

Last summer when I rode my R1 and got caught in traffic had blisters on my inner thigh. Straight up cooked me. Wasn't fun let me tell you.