Own a xb12ss tinkering with the idea of a uly

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2013
Hello fellow riders and uly owners. I currently have a 07 xb12ss and I love my bike (i should say i love buell!!!). Anyways it was knocked over while parked and it did suffer a little damage. I have a thread posted in the xb12 section with pics and all of ot. Check it out if you have a moment. Anyways after a ride this saturday for a bachelor party (185 miles in total for me) my best friend and I who have so many trip ideas planned, were talking about bikes. Weve always wanted some bmw gs's after seeing long way down and round. You cant blame anyone for feeling like that after seeing the movies. Now on to why im posting on here.

I did a bunch of reading yesterday about the uly and the forums on adv rider were super helpful in gs vs uly topics. Im truly sold on the idea of a uly. If state farm decides my bike is considered a total loss im wondering what to do. I try to do a lot of riding in general and am hoping to do even more next season. If they decide to fix it then im a happy camper all day long. If they decide to total it this is were the thinking begins. A part of me says buy it back from state farm and toss some pucks on it and make my own sport/adv tourer out of it (I figure get a early uly fender, Diff bars, hand guards, etc, etc and ive got basically 2 bikes on some ways) And a part of me says take the $ and buy a uly. Are there any big city based uly owners who can chime in as well? I love the sound and feel of the buell and I know with the bags off the uly can be fun to ride. Any and all insight will be greatly appreciated.

Take care guys and gals and ride safe.

For the record i bought my 07 xb12ss for $3500 and have only 11,500 miles on her.
I'm doing that to a '03 XB9S for my wife. Works fine. I ride a ULY. We are looking at some off road trips.
If I may ask what are you doing to the xb9? I have sme ideas if I'm keeping my ss which I want to do of course but who know what state farm is going to say/do

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