Painted my primary/cam covers wrinkle black check it out.

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2008
decided i was tired of the magnisium color of the primary n cam cover, so i painted them vht wrinkle black. i sanded with 150 grit taped everything off then painted started bike and let it cure, vht wrinkle paint cures with heat.
Could be a bad pic...but it looks like sand or something is all stuck in it? Looks like its un-even as well? Is that how its supposed to be? Is it not fully cured yet? ( apologies as i'm unfamiliar with VHT paints )

If you want something a little different looking try "Hammerite". It has a hammered metal finish, very cool. Just be very careful what you apply it over because the solvent used can strip existing coatings. It works well if you do light thin coats...and all coats MUST be completed within 1 hour of beginning or else it can start stripping itself.
i think the pictures are bad (hopefully)

it should be un-even, yes. that's why it's called 'wrinkle' paint.
it's like it shrinks a bit when's a nice effect when done good and is harder and more resistant to heat and rubbing/impact, kinda like powdercoating, without a glossy finish.
mind you it was taken on a camera phone. and was just painted , plus im not the best painter in the world so there are a few dripmarks. id say its a good 5 foot paint job.
yea, the ignition cover looks kinda brownish on picture.

it's probably better live.

and don't you have problems riding 2 different footpegs?
wow i didnt even notice that the foot pegs are different thanks lefox now im going to notice it when i ride lol
Mine were different when I got my bike too [confused] Maybe its supposed to be like that? Or there is some right foot peg swapper out there :D

Yeah i'm familiar with the some of the different "texture" paints out there. The "Hammerite" one that I mentioned earlier sort of has the wrinkling effect. It sort of "fish eyes" and has a dimpeled effect. I really like the hammered black, kinda reminds me of CF, although the black is'nt really too black. It looks more like a really dark gray when its all finished.
Question To get that cover off on the header side... do the headers have to be removed or can it just come off???? i would like to paint mine black also?!?!?
there is just enough clearance to slide it out, assuming you have the stock header.
Not a fan of the wrinkle paint. It sticks out and dosent flow with the rest of the bike.

To get the drips out wet sand with 600 grit then apply one more light coat. Remember to overlap your coats evenly.
Not a fan of the wrinkle paint. It sticks out and dosent flow with the rest of the bike.

so you do have taste [confused]

Fock, I used wrinkle paint on one of my past bikes and after a couple of months I wished I didnt...

The wrinkle is not very durable against dings or objected rubbing against it etc. The primary housing is all ways rubbed and contacted by your foot during shifting and you will start to see the wrinkle getting flattened.

But I must say I love the look!
Looks intriguing been thinking about painting mine being they r the only magnesium colored parts on the bike
I used a rattle-can truck bed liner. I had one spot peel off when I was pressure washing it, but other then that it's held up great and goes with my flat-black paint job pretty well.


You cannot remove the cam cover because it supports one side of the cams. First step is taking the rocker boxes off to releive valve spring pressure from the cams and that might be more work than you would be willing to do.
You cannot remove the cam cover because it supports one side of the cams. First step is taking the rocker boxes off to releive valve spring pressure from the cams and that might be more work than you would be willing to do.

So Fock, how did you do it than?
You cannot remove the cam cover because it supports one side of the cams. First step is taking the rocker boxes off to releive valve spring pressure from the cams and that might be more work than you would be willing to do.

would it work if you just leaned the bike to the left?
can u get a zoomed out photo, I been thinking bout doing the same thing. Thanks if so, if not.. Looks cool.
or if anyone has access to industrial powdercoating, they make soooo many different colors including wrinkle and metal flake and many more texture paints in any color if anyone wanted to go that route.
Ha yeah I did not think it would be that hard to pull that off... so when i had the frame off for paint it would have been really easy... ha silly me for not doing my reading :eek: