Painting Plastics

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That's going to depend on the shop pretty much. I just had my windscreen, chin spoiler, tire hugger and STT number plates painted for $225 out the door and that was from one of the top motorcycle painters in the D/FW Texas area.
A lot of things can come in to play when painting parts, color choice and brand of paint can mean a big change in price.
I depends on the bike too. obviously the firebolt has more plastic to paint than a lightning or a uly. I quoted a guy 300 to flat black a firebolt (thats base clear with flat clear coat not poof can) he needed some monor scratches repaired too... give me an idea of color, bike model, quality desired, and condition of bike and i can give you a perdy close idea
Anyone know what a paint job would cost nowadays? Full set of firebolt plastic
it does depend alot on color quality of clear, prepping.

if some one is quoting you 200$ then they are most likly skipping steps or using low quality clearcoat,

wich will start crackig and peeling soon after its painted,

i usually base my prices on what the customer wants, but in general i charge around 600-800 for a full set of plastics single color mid grade clear coat like u-pol or diamont, or ms. and i wet sand and buff all my paint jobs. but then again all my work is off of referals so im doin somthin right lol

price usually goes up if there is alot of damage.
their is a do it yourself thread on here somewhere. using krylon fusion spray paints for plastics. biggest prep step is washing the plastic to remove any film, residue etc...
if i remember no primer needed as long as you liked their limited color selection.
you get what you pay for.... just like macco their prices start real cheap and they use farm tractor paint with no

I am painting mine here next couple weeks and will post a picture.
BB thanks again. I used one syringe of fill to repair many little areas but have finally got some primer on the plastics. I will put some pics up next week.

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