passenger bracket removal

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Jun 24, 2008
does anyone know what size allen key i need to remove the passenger brackets for the xb9s?
lol a big ass one. And they use a loctite on those nuts, they are a bitch to get out.
I agree, I almost gave up taking mine off but got angry after finishing my beer (Angry drunk). That is when I decided I was going to do everything I could... probably about 30 minutes of elbow greese and they were off. This was about a week ago.

Last night my girlfriend wanted to go for a short ride with me to where I park the bike.


She rode with her toes on my pegs, I shifted with my heel. Guess I will be putting them back on soon.
LOL @ all of ya'll. Took me all of 5 minutes with my allen key set, they were the first thing to go. Sorry ya'll had it so rough. BTW 07 XB9SX CityX FTW!
The key is size 5/16. I just paid $6 for an entire alan key set. The screws just came right off with no problems.
the bolts on my 09 lightning were a different lenght and the longer ones in front had a nut on top under the seat holding a bracket on. couldnt figure out why the front ones wouldnt come out till I removed the seat. once I took the nut off they screwed right out. after I removed the passenger brackets I put the two shorter bolts in the front holes and put the nuts back on to hold the bracket under the seat in place.I think it holds the battery in place if I remember correctly.
I could be wrong but the battery is pretty heavy enough to hold down the aluminum bracket alone.
yeah maybe, but it's a new bike and I didn't want the bracket rubbing/vibrating the paint off of the frame. and it only took an extra minute or two and you really only see the head of the bolt.

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