Phone mounts, and vibration...

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May 12, 2009
I just got the droid x. Im wondering if anyones had problems with phones and the vibrations from the motor? I'd like to mount to the handlebars, but if my hands are falling asleep from the vibration it makes me wonder if the phone can take that kind of abuse. I know the GPS units for bikes are vibration resistant. I'll be mounting it in a waterproof case which is larger than the phone. So I'll probably end up cutting a thin layer of foam to secure it inside.
Any other suggestions? Maybe rubber mount the case?
just keep it in your pocket.the gps will give you voice prompts.unless you dont like head phones.i had my ipod mounted to the bar clamp and never had any problems.
I bought a cheap mount on ebay for my GPS, would like to have something similar for my phone but I can't find anything good for the one I had. I just bought a new tankbag though so I'll probably just stick the phone in the map pocket unless I come across any good options.
Maybe a tank bag would be a good idea. I would prefer not to use earphones anyway. I tend to tune out the directions while driving and just rely on the visual map.
I was dissapointed I couldn't hear my GPS while I was riding, and even more dissapointed that there's no earphone jack on it(WTF?!). I would love to just put in ear phones and have it let me know when a turn is coming up. It's obviously too hard to stare at the little map the whole time, but in the upper left hand corner it at least tells you how far until the next turn so you know to expect it.

I understand a GPS for the car not having earphone jacks, but the one I have also has a setting for walking directions and I would think headphones would be good for tourists who doesn't want the rest of the city they're visiting to know they're lost haha.
droid x is solid state, so as long as it is a good quality phone it should be fine. I don't think any of those micro solder points should come apart.
Okay so on the brightest screen setting I can barely see the it in sunlight. :( looks like headphones may be the only option after all.
I read reviews of the earlier models having this problem but it appears not to have changed.
Did you make sure you had it at a good angle? When I tried the mount that came with my GPS I couldn't see it much at all. I bought a cheap mount on ebay that lets me keep it flat and I can see it pretty well now.
I did this. My phone flew out somewere on I-94. Bad Idea. I used industrial strength velcro. Works great now.

^^^ the velcro held. The phone case alone didnt hold the phone.

Had to put velcro inside the case


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